doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 213-233 | 221

July-December of 2019

María José Ufarte Ruiz and Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Quarterly net income of $11.1 billion is equivalent to $1.96 per share, which is 30.5% higher than the $8.5 billion earned in the same period last year.

The company’s gross income was 39.9%, compared to 38% in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year.

The results for the quarter boosted earnings per share by 38% and increased cash flow from operations by $13.5 billion.

Fiscal year 2015 was the best year in Apple’s history, with sales growing by 28% to nearly $234 billion.”

Figure 2. Text on the intention to vote in Spain, generated by Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial.

Source: Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial

“Text generated by Narrativa Alpha version 0.1

Politics. Voting Intention (Spain) Source: Metroscopia

If new elections were held immediately, the political party known as Partido Popular (PP) would again the party to receive the most votes, but with 4.7 points less than the result achieved in the last elections (24%). This decline coincides with a loss of image of its leader, Mariano Rajoy, who at the moment retains the title as the worst rated politician (with a +39 score).

The party known as PSOE would currently become the second national force, with 23.3%, which would place it 3.4 points above the political party Podemos. Pedro Sanchez has experienced significant recovery of his image among the entire population, and in a matter of a few weeks has gone from a very negative opinion (-33) to one that is positive (+4), representing an improvement of 37 points.

Podemos has lost 2.1 points in the last few weeks, placing itself as the third political force in voting intention (19.9%), despite the fact that the score is only 8/10ths lower than that achieved in the last elections. Pablo Iglesias continues to generate a negative image (-20), although he maintains a very positive image among his own voters (+77).