doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 213-233 | 223

July-December of 2019

María José Ufarte Ruiz and Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

flexibility inherent in this start up is evident in the product diversification it offers, as Gabriele can be customized for a variety of companies and industries that deal with data overload. In this way, it provides services to the financial field, performing a comprehensive conversion of data into customized reports for specific audiences, with a natural language that is easy to understand. For example, Gabriele is able to create descriptions of the financial positions of Bankia clients so they can understand their accounting transactions and know how much they have saved or spent in a given period of time compared to other periods.

It also conducts optimized SEO descriptions in the e-commerce sector and generates property models from real estate data. This software tool also works in the health and telecommunication sectors where it identifies relevant issues and communicates findings in an easy to understand format.

In the media sector, it automatically generates news from the interpretation of statistical data. For the newspaper Sport, it writes articles for the First, Second and Third Divisions, King’s Cup, Champions League and Europa League. Gabriele also covers European leagues in countries such as Italy, France, Germany and England, as well as the Saudi league. Moreover, in the coming months it will write about all of the Federated Leagues, from Benjamin to Youth. El Independiente and El Periódico also rely on this software to write financial news with topics related to currencies, commodities and Bitcoin. Other media that rely on the start-up are 20 Minutes, El Confidencial, El Español, El Heraldo, La Información, and MediaPro, which obtain larger and faster content production at a more efficient cost, maintaining their commitment to a specialized public.

Globally, the company is currently conducting tests with the Associated Press to jointly write texts that the U.S. agency will then distribute directly to its clients. It has also collaborated with the German news agency DPA for three years and is currently about to complete a financing agreement of about one million euros with two German investment funds, which company managers are reluctant to disclose until the deal is closed. In the same way, the startup also works for international companies such as The Social Audience, Property Finder, Intigral, Noon, and MSN, the latter of which is the collection of internet services offered by Microsoft.

The result of these collaborations has been better SEO positioning with original content, while the human staff has been able to focus on generating articles that are more complex. “Artificial intelligence helps us position ourselves better, make our business more sustainable, and cover news that wasn’t covered before”, explains David Martinez de Lecea, director of operations.

For its part, the company’s income basically comes from the banks and governments with which it collaborates. However, the media are also one of its main sources of funding, as they pay a monthly subscription for the news they receive. This amount depends on each media and the number of texts, but varies between 3,000 and 4,000 euros per month for those companies that receive an average of 20,000 articles per week. In Spain, without sufficient support from the large media conglomerates, company managers are searching for new sources of income through the automatic generation of content for financial services, the healthcare sector, and e-commerce.

As for future projects, Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial will focus on servicing the finance industry and providing services to governments. “We will continue to work in the mass media industry, but it will not be our main focus” Llorente says.