190 | 29, pp. 169-196 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Intelligent automation in communication management

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

On the other hand, Gartner (2019), mentions three types of virtual assistants:

Virtual personal assistant (VPA)

Virtual Client Assistant (VCA)

Virtual employee assistant (VEA)

In the case of the VEA, for its acronym in English, at the discretion of the Director of Gartner, Annette Jump, it is expected that organizations in the next three years make great use internally, although it has been proven that they are also used for customer service and information inquiries. To all this is added that, by 2023 many of these applications will have interactions through voice (Gartner, 2019).

Angel Hernández, managing partner of Chatbot Chocolate states:

Chatbots become an easy tool to introduce and use within companies, since they are based on a conversational format that all employees, regardless of their age, are accustomed to chatting. Besides, its implementation allows releasing part of the workload in these areas of the company that is sometimes dedicated to repetitive, low-value and easily automatable questions” (Diario Siglo XXI, 2018).

7. Conclusions

The technological revolution in which we are immersed is changing the way we see and understand the world. Moves the dynamics of communication and social interaction. It does not only transforms technological or physical aspects, but it is also moving deeper aspects of the human being.

During this process of technological revolutions it is the human being who has had the most capacity to adapt to changes and transformations and with the speed at which it grows, it will be the same man who must open his mind and engage in incalculable technological realities that even have not yet been discovered and predict an unimaginable future.

Given this technological growth, organizations must have a clear vision of where to walk, what is the change in corporate culture that they want to give the company by aligning their business strategy to technological, competitive, efficient, and sustainable standards so that they remain aligned to the trends and challenges of technological changes.

The current reality is that digital transformation is radically changing the helping processes or support of organizations. Therefore, the application of new technologies in organizations changes several fields of production and services, and organizations must be prepared for those changes. In this same sense, new technologies are a key factor in the progress of the implementation of automation in the communication management of organizations; However, its momentum or stagnation may also depend on other internal factors of the organizations themselves. However, it should be clear that the value of communication allows developing new forms of more participatory interrelation between the public and organizations.

The automation of communication and marketing management could be considered a strong and high-value pillar for organizations, as it is a field that has remarkably emerged in recent years and presents a visible projection of future and growth for organizations. Even indistinctly the field in which they are operating.