Intelligent automation in communication management

Automatización inteligente en la gestión de la comunicación

doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 169-196 | 169

July-December of 2019

ISSN: 1696–019X / e–ISSN: 2386–3978

How to cite article:

Valdiviezo-Abad, C. y Bonini, T. (2019). Intelligent automation in communication management. Doxa Comunicación, 29, pp. 169-196.

Cesibel Valdiviezo-Abad. PhD student of the University Santiago of Compostela-Spain. Master’s Degree in Communication Research at the University of Navarra-Spain. Degree in Social Communication from the Private Technical University of Loja-Ecuador. Professor at the Private Technical University of Loja, Department of Communication Sciences where she teaches several chairs. She is a member of the UTPL Strategic Communication research group. Her main fields of interest are strategic communication, automation of communication processes and digital communication.

Technical University of Loja, Ecuador

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4816-4752

Tiziano Bonini. Doctor in Media, Communication and Public Sphere in 2008 - University of Siena. Researcher in Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes in the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Siena. He deals with radio, social media, digital culture, public media and audience studies. He has published articles for international journals of media studies (Media, Culture & Society; European Journal of Communication; The Radio Journal; Communication & Society) and books on radio (including Radio Audiences and Participation in the Age of Network Society, Routledge, 2015) and on media and globalization (Così lontano, così vicino. Media tactics for living in space, Ombre Corte, 2010).

Universidad of Siena, Italy

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6706-2797


New technologies have allowed the development of the industry, transforming it from 1.0 to the current, called 4.0 industry, which sees a rapid growth by the penetration of artificial intelligence and its various technologies that promise to surprise us all and invade the market and transform the world. Many of these technologies go hand in hand with intelligent automation that projects a large-scale transformation. Faced with this metamorphosis, in this article deepens on the intelligent automation and in a special way in the management of the communication of the


Las nuevas tecnologías han permitido el desarrollo de la industria, transformándola así desde la 1.0 hasta la actual, denominada in-dustria 4.0, que avizora un rápido crecimiento por la penetración de la inteligencia artificial y sus diversas tecnologías que prometen sorprendernos a todos e invadir el mercado y transformar el mundo. Muchas de estas tecnologías, van de la mano de la automatización inteligente que proyecta una transformación a gran escala. Frente a esta metamorfosis, en el presente artículo se profundiza sobre la automatización inteligente y de manera especial en la gestión de la

Received: 30/06/2019 Accepted: 11/10/2019

Recibido: 30/06/2019 Aceptado: 11/10/2019