doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 169-196 | 189

July-December of 2019

Cesibel Valdiviezo-Abad and Tiziano Bonini

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

We do not need to take the human-human conversation as the gold standard for conversational exchanges. If one had a perfect simulation of a human conversationalist, then it would be a human-human conversation and not a conversation with a computer with its sometimes strange but relevant properties. Before computers existed, we could distinguish people from non-people based on their ability to participate in conversations. But now we have hybrids that operate between people and not people with whom we can talk in common language. Pure machines can only be hit, but these new hybrids are interactive instruments with which you can communicate.

The digital transformation has reached publicity, the Chatbots are connecting with artificial intelligence through large amounts of data or big data and machine learning to personalize their responses and attention to consumers, which has turned towards a change and remarkable growth of communication. According to Gartner (2011) by 2020, clients will be responsible or 85% of their relationship with the company will be in their possession, without needing to interact with a human being.

Artificial intelligence has made Chatbots very convincing, as long as they have enough data and time they can integrate technologies and functions for various devices (Letheren & Charmaine, 2017), thus providing many facilities and advantages for organizations.

For Herrero-Diz and Varona-Aramburu (2018, p. 744) “the purpose of Chatbots is to become conversational media and master digital rhetoric through the development of a natural language, the closest thing to a human, that generates emotions”. There is a diversity of Chatbots, including two proposals by different authors. On the one hand, Pablo Bradshaw, a professor at Birmingham City University, (cited in Newman, 2017, p. 16) refers to three types of bots focused on the journalistic field:

Figure 4. Types of bots in the journalistic field. Source: Newman, N. (2017). Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2017.

Source: Self-Elaboration