184 | 29, pp. 169-196 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Intelligent automation in communication management

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Responding to the research question, it is evident that for the automation to advance and be established in the management of communication in an organization, the support of several technologies is fundamental, that we consider four the ones with the greatest impact and that others could possibly increase according to advances in technological developments:

Internet of things

The big data



6.1. Internet of things

Internet of Things or IoT for its acronym in English and which translated into Spanish means the internet of things, has emerged by the Internet-based Business Solutions Group (IBSG, Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group). Its name is due to the fact that it is the point in time when more “things or objects” were connected to the Internet than people, as Dave Evans (Evans, 2011, p. 2) points out in his work the Internet of Things. How the next evolution of the Internet changes everything.

The internet of things, IDC (sometimes called the internet of objects) represents the next evolution of the internet, which is a huge leap in its ability to gather, analyse and distribute data that becomes information, knowledge and then become wisdom (Evans, 2011, p. 2).

This great technological revolution that is caused around the internet of things is one of the fields that will have a strong impact on people’s communication. For Baldi (2017, p. 195), the internet of things through its new intelligent sensors will multiply the automatisms of everyday practices.

The internet of things, according to Marcelo Alcaraz (2014, p. 6), will allow two developments in communication, on the one hand, to analyse the behaviour of consumers following the preferences of their users and, as a result, generate new products to the market. In addition, on the other hand, generate personalized advertising according to the interests of consumers in a more interactive, specialized and focused way for each person.

With all the advances that the internet of things presents as a technology for worldwide use, it is estimated that it will contribute to the increase in sales of products from various traditional companies, leading them to hybridization between the traditional and virtual sales system.

The internet of things could represent the next evolution of the internet, which will be a huge leap in its ability to gather, analyse and distribute data that becomes information, knowledge and then become wisdom (Evans, 2011, p. 2), elements that become keys to generate a correct communication between organizations and different audiences.

This revolution is a fusion between technology and other sciences that allow advances in much broader areas seen and studied until now. It is a projection of the future with elements and advances never before experienced in humanity and that will contribute to automation.