doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 169-196 | 183

July-December of 2019

Cesibel Valdiviezo-Abad and Tiziano Bonini

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In communication, to establish the automation in any of its areas, it is necessary to review the communication structure of the organization and apply changes in its structures and processes. Optimally implemented automation provides the opportunity to improve the organization’s performance by generating medium and long-term operational savings, strengthens the communication team, secures existing markets and allows finding new ones, gives you the possibility to refocus the business, ensures A better experience for the consumer or customer, makes visible the value of the organization and each of its products or services for the public. The automation of various activities can improve the performance of almost any business process (McKinsey Global Institute, 2017, p. 17).

However, there are also risks in automating communication, such as when starting a process of digital transformation at the institutional level. For Paulina Rodríguez Werner (2019) there are several reasons why companies do not achieve the expected results, including: lack of clarity in objectives, underestimation of process costs, individual work in certain areas, a communication that does not align to the action plan, the digital transformation plan does not consider training for its internal public, but especially it emphasizes that the human being is not taken into account as the main responsible for the implementation of the whole process, beyond the technological equipment .

Victoria Alarcon, a marketing expert says, “Technology plays a fundamental role, but brands must find a balance between automation and emotions, integrating both, to offer a closer and more valuable message” (Business and Business, 2019). Therefore, it is necessary that the target audience is accurately identified and that the companies adjust their products to the type of audience they want to reach in order to make the impact of the messages really desired.

Nowadays, information and content become protagonists and value reference in this new communication cycle (Perlado, 2013, p. 430), where the use of various channels or multi-channels by users or consumers, makes it diversify the dissemination of information and demand for immediate organization and responses to the demands of the public. Therefore, automation would generate high productivity thanks to the ease of decision making and the configuration of the processes that allow optimizing communication with customers.

6. The automation of communication supported by technologies

The relationships with the digital world are designed and managed by computer programs that provide personalized suggestions based on the questions and answers we generate. “The computer algorithms are designed to transform the process and the result of any online operation into automatism, deluding with the supposed transparency and neutrality of its computational processes” (Baldi, 2017, p. 187)

The presence of communication processes and actions are not only an ornament of administrative work, but they are understood as essential components of the organizational framework. These communication processes - which exist even when they are not taken into account - are inherent in the business operation of any organization; they cross it by configuring it in what it is. Communication actions and processes become co-formatters of the identity and culture of any organization and, therefore, of the projection of its image (Restrepo, 1995, p. 92)