doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 63-86 | 75

July-December of 2020

María Díez-Garrido

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Figure 2: Positions related to gender equality by the Partido Popular (PP)


The publication of information on procedures and internal organisation was lower with an average of 56.94%, with irregular results from the parties. Unidas Podemos published 66.66% of the items; the PSOE, 51.11%; Ciudadanos, 55.55%; and PP received a failing mark at 44.44%. One striking detail was that Unidas Podemos did not publish a calendar of political party events, yet it did publish the agenda of the president, Pablo Iglesias. The same occurred with Albert Rivera of Ciudadanos, although the update by both parties was rather deficient, while the PSOE and PP did not publish the agendas of their respective leaders.

The publication of information related to organisational communications was also assessed, with an average of 59.72%. The party with the best results was the PSOE, with 77.77%, followed by Unidas Podemos at 61.11%, the PP at 52.77%, and Ciudadano at 47.22%.

The PSOE’s current affairs section is noteworthy in this regard. Despite several shortcomings, it contained an interesting news section, an archive of past publications, a photographic and audio-visual gallery, streaming events, and audio archives. All of this not only brings the political parties closer to an attentive public, but is also especially useful for the media and journalists due to the resources they have to carry out their work.

The last section of active publicity was the one related to the party accounts, in which all the parties obtained the best result of the analysis, with the exception of Unidas Podemos. The average was 85.41%, with the PP leading at 94.44%, followed by the PSOE at 88.88%, Ciudadanos with 83.33%, and Unidas Podemos at 75%. The main shortcoming was related to information on contracting since all parties except Unidas Podemos published internal instructions on contracting, yet none of the parties reported on the contracts that were made, and only the PSOE and PP disseminated the bases of such contracts