74 | 31, pp. 63-86 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Open political parties: applying the principles of Open Government to Spanish political affiliations

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The results of the levels of openness of the political parties are explained in the following paragraphs:

Section I. Transparency

The transparency section was the most influential factor in this analysis of the political parties’ digital platforms. It was also the section in which all of the parties obtained the best scores, and in which all of them had satisfactory scores, although the PSOE and Unidas Podemos attained scores that were higher than the others.

The PSOE scored 69.58% (148.52 points out of 212), which was nearly a draw with Unidas Podemos at 69.28% (146.89). These were followed by the PP at 62.59% (132.7), and Ciudadanos with 57.08% (122.15). All parties were above 50%, yet PSOE and Unidas Podemos were above 65%, so their results were considered positive. Thus, an effort by the parties can be observed in the development of this pillar of openness.

Graph 1: Results of Section I (Transparency)

Source: Prepared by the author

In order to analyse transparency, the different types of published information that the political parties must disseminate, as mentioned above, was verified. In this regard, the publication of the requirements of the Law on Transparency, Access to Public Information, and Good Governance had a positive average of 69.64%, although it was very irregular because Ciudadanos and the PP only published 53.57% of the items requested. By contrast, Unidas Podemos disseminated practically all of the requests (92.85%), and the PSOE diffused 78.57%.

The main shortcomings consisted of the absence of contracts and agreements with Public Administration, as well as annual programmes and the degree of compliance, an aspect that would help to ensure that the parties are held accountable to the public.

The institutional information section received a more unanimous and positive result, with an average of 79.54%, and very similar scores by all of the parties: PP, 86.3%; PSOE, 77.27%; Unidas Podemos, 79.54%; and Cs, 75%. The task of the parties along this line was highly valued, although the absence of some elements, such as the publication of the history of the party by Unidas Podemos, is striking. The way in which the PP publishes its position on certain issues or measures stands out, as it has its own section called ‘Issues’, in which publications, documents and clarifications on various topics are grouped together.