doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 19-39 | 33

July-December of 2020

Magdalena Mut Camacho

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

These responses have been gathered from the 47% of the sample who said they had suffered a disinformation crisis in their organisation. We have observed that the most common channel for spreading falsehoods was through social networks or digital media, which confirms the fact that we are truly living in a digital world. The aforementioned experience confirms that products and services are the preferred targets of hoaxes and falsehoods generated in the digital universe (Chart 10).

7.6. Preparing for a crisis

Chart 12. The existence of a structured crisis plan

Source: Prepared by the author

By analysing the data, the high number of negative responses leads us to believe that there is no preparation for this risk (Chart 11). It is somewhat surprising that 21% do not know if they have a formal plan, so once again, we have the same doubts that originated with Chart 9.