doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 19-39 | 31

July-December of 2020

Magdalena Mut Camacho

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The perception of vulnerability and threat is mainly related to the private sector, which is the most likely to be attacked (Graph 7). This sector is where the effects of risks are generally more dangerous and permanent, as has been demonstrated so far. However, in the realm of private companies, the food sector is considered to be the area that is most exposed and vulnerable to an attack through hoaxes and falsehoods in the digital world.

Chart 9. The most vulnerable intangible asset

Source: Prepared by the author

The data indicate that the two intangible assets that must be protected the most are corporate reputation and brand (Graph 8). Ethical and environmental attitudes are organisational issues that can be damaged in the opinion of the professionals. However, when planning for crisis mitigation, consideration is given to deepening the long-term effects on an organisation’s intangible assets. The reputation of the leader, as well as its corporate governance and innovation, are not considered to be intangibles that are vulnerable to this type of crisis.