doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 113-137 | 123

July-December of 2019

Noel Bandera López

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In terms of gender equality, regarding access to the microphones for these 2 programmes, the figures are overwhelming: in that only 18.18% of the participants in Al Rojo Vivo was a female. In Las Mañanas de Cuatro this percentage increases but it is still a far cry from equality (26.32%). To this we must add that the usual presenters of both programmes are male. In the La Sexta debate this is aggravated by the fact that a few days before, the third political force in the country (through the commission of the Observatory for Communication media of the State Sectorial Circle for Podemos Feminism) had denounced the lack of women in debate programmes and had placed special emphasis on the case of Al Rojo Vivo5.

TABLE III: Gender equality in Al Rojo Vivo and Las Mañanas de Cuatro

Media equality

(excluding political party interviews )

Al Rojo Vivo

(25 programmes from 17th October, 2017)

Las Mañanas de Cuatro

(25 programmes from 17th October 2017)

Male participants

72 (81.82%)

56 (73.68%)

Female participants

16 (18.18%)

20 (26.32%)

Female participants live



Appearance of women in panel discussions



Counter-arguments received by women



Source: Prepared by the authors based on the results of this research.

* It must be added that in the two programmes, in the male interventions, the usual moderator is also male.

TABLE IV: Agenda in Al Rojo Vivo and Las Mañanas de Cuatro (17 th October 17 th November, 2017)


Minutes in Al Rojo Vivo (% of total programme)

Minutes in Las Mañanas de Cuatro

(% of total programme)

Mentioned as one of the 3 major problems in the CIS *


153’30’’ + 154’55’’

+ 250 + 167’38’’

+ 280’18’’ + 214`14’’

+ 169’15’’ + 135’10’’

+ 286‘1‘‘ + 402‘21‘‘

+ 225‘29‘‘ + 226‘56‘‘

+ 162‘28‘‘ + 305‘22‘‘

+ 217‘26‘‘ + 163‘27‘‘

+ 143‘21‘‘ + 134‘57‘‘

+ 301‘22‘‘ + 209‘18‘‘

+ 147‘44‘‘ + 138‘53‘‘

+ 127‘48‘‘ + 109‘22‘‘

+ 132‘57‘‘

4944’48’’ (92.5%)

248‘17‘‘ 135‘51‘‘ + 131 + + + 149‘56 148‘11‘‘‘‘

+ 136‘19‘‘ + 148‘56‘‘

+ 149‘59‘‘ + 257‘31‘‘

+ 151‘ + 150‘34‘‘

+ 150‘27‘‘ + 147‘19‘‘

+ 149‘28‘‘ + 138‘40‘‘

+ 89‘30‘‘ + 232‘45‘‘

+ 135‘45‘‘ + 124‘12‘‘

+ 95‘09‘‘ + 88‘14‘‘

+ 59‘22‘‘ + 129‘21‘‘

+ 93‘40‘‘ + 73‘54‘‘

3494’10’’ (87.08%)

29% general

8.8% personal


24.6% general

7% personal
