68 | 29, pp. 61-74 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Adolescents and body cult: the influence of Internet advertising in search of the idealized male body

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Figure 1 Body scale

Source: Baile, J.J. (2005), Vigorexia. Cómo reconocerla y evitarla. Madrid: Síntesis, p. 89

Graph 1

Source: Own elaboration from the data obtained.

For 57.2% of the sample of children who viewed Block A, a healthy body is between 5/6, 41.3% between 7/8 and, finally, 1.5% choose the bodies 9/10. It is significant that 42.8% of this sample choose as healthy body somatotypes with a much accentuated muscle definition. The children who saw the advertising for Block B considered the 5/6 bodies to be healthy in 69.7%. The rest of the percentages are dispersed between 7/8 (18%) and 3/4 (12.3%).