doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 61-74 | 67

July-December of 2019

Carlos Fanjul Peyró, Lorena López Font and Cristina González Oñate

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

aim was to collect data on the same questions but referring to their perception of the boys, which body they considered the healthiest, how they valued the physical appearance of most of their male classmates and what type of muscle development they would like them to have.

Closed-ended questions 2 to 6 addressed body satisfaction issues, the importance of physical appearance and the need to work hard and take care of oneself in order to be physically well. The following questions were asked in relation to these aspects: Do you feel satisfied with your body and physical appearance in general?; Do you think that in order to have a healthy body you must increase your physical exercise and make an effort to take care of your diet?; Do you think that the perception that others have of you would improve if your physical appearance changed?; Do you think that having a good physique helps to be more successful as in more friends, liked more, be more accepted?; What importance do you think your friends give to physical appearance?

Closed-ended questions 7 to 9, referred to the influence of advertising on their body perception and, the extent to which they had planned or were planning to consume some type of substance in order to gain muscle or improve their appearance. Here is cited the following questions asked in relation to these aspects: Which degree of influence do you think the advertising you receive exerts on you? Do you think that the physical aspect of viewed advertising models influence how you perceive or value your body constitution? Do you ever consider or have you ever considered consuming any type of product or substance to gain muscle, lose weight or for any other attempt to improve your appearance?

Finally, the last open-ended question related to the type of content they were looking for on the Internet, if they had used this medium to obtain information on how to improve their physical appearance. After passing the questionnaire in both groups, a total of 140 surveys of boys and 136 of girls were obtained for “Block A” and 142 surveys of boys and 134 of girls for “Block B”.

The survey consisted of 32 variables, subjected to univariate descriptive analysis. All variables were categorical and responded to qualitative scales. Each category received a number to facilitate its treatment. The variables were grouped into mutually exclusive and exhaustive intervals or sets of values. Once the experience had been finalized and the surveys had been completed, the data was evaluated and transferred for statistical analysis. A basic statistical analysis was executed on all samples, boys and girls who viewed “Block A” and boys and girls who viewed “Block B”, and a simple tabulation through univariate analysis of all samples, by means of frequency tables of all variables, except for open-ended questions.

3. Results

Once all the data had been transferred and analysed, the following are some of the most significant and relevant results of this research.