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Genetic inactivation of pleiotrophin triggers amphetamine-induced cell loss in the substantia nigra and enhances amphetamine neurotoxicity in the striatum.

Title: Genetic inactivation of pleiotrophin triggers amphetamine-induced cell loss in the substantia nigra and enhances amphetamine neurotoxicity in the striatum.
Authors : Rossi, Luca
Granado, Noelia
Moratalla, Rosario
Herradón Gil-Gallardo, Gonzalo
Keywords: NeurotoxicitymethamphetamineMDMA
Description: En: Neuroscience. ISSN. 0306-4522. n. 170 (1), 2010 : 308-316
Rights :
Issue Date: 14-Nov-2010
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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