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Treadmill training enhances, glucose tolerance more in pregnant than in virgin rats.


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Title: Treadmill training enhances, glucose tolerance more in pregnant than in virgin rats.
Authors : Muñoz Tedó, Carmen
Herrera Castillón, Emilio.
López Luna, Pilar
Keywords: PregnancyExerciseLactateGlucose tolerance
Abstract: To determine whether aerobic training throughout gestation modifies glucose tolerance, female Wistar rats were mated or kept nonpregnant and run or not on a 10° slope treadmill for 5 days/week at 20 m/min, starting with a 20-min run, and with a progressive daily increase of 5 min, reaching a 75-min run on the 20th day of protocol or gestation. The exercise protocol did not modify food intake, maternal and fetal weights, litter size or blood lactic acid levels. The rise in blood glucose after an oral glucose load (2 g/kg bodyweight) did not differ between trained and untrained nonpregnant rats but was lower in trained than in untrained pregnant rats. In the untrained rats the rise in plasma insulin levels after the glucose load was much greater in pregnant than in non pregnant rats; in trained rats this difference between groups was attenuated by the greater effect of exercise decreasing the plasma insulin response to the glucose load in pregnant than in nonpregnant rats. Thus, an aerobic exercise protocol that does not modify the outcome of pregnancy does significantly reduce the altered oral glucose tolerance in pregnant rats and only has a minor effect in non pregnant rats.
Description: En: Biology of the neonate ISSN 0006-3126 1999. n. 75, pp 337-342
Rights :
Issue Date: 19-Sep-1999
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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