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Catalytic scalable Pauson-Khand reaction in a plug flow reactor.

Title: Catalytic scalable Pauson-Khand reaction in a plug flow reactor.
Authors : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Keywords: Reactor de flujo pistónBioingenieria
Abstract: A catalytic, scalable intra- and intermolecular Pauson–Khand reaction protocol using generally 5 mol% of Co2(CO)8 as the catalyst in a plug flow reactor (PFR) is shown

Se muestra un protocolo de reacción de Pauson-Khand intramolecular e intermolecular catalítico que utiliza generalmente 5% en moles de Co2 (CO) 8 como catalizador en un reactor de flujo pistón (PFR).
Description: Otros coautores: Gema Domínguez, Jaime Blanco Urgoiti y Javier Pérez Castells
En: Chemical Communications. e-ISSN 1364-548X. n. 53 (2017), p. 4014-4017
Rights :
Issue Date: 9-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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