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Chiral capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry of food analysis.


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Title: Chiral capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry of food analysis.
Authors : Simó, Carolina
Barbas Arribas, Coral.
Elvira, Carlos
Gónzalez, Nieves
San Román, J.
Cifuentes, Alejandro
Keywords: Capillary electrophoresis - Mass spectrometry.Food analysis I Ion trap.Polymer coating.
Abstract: A new physically adsorbed capillary coating for capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) of basic proteins is presented, which is easily obtained by flushing the capillary with a polymer aqueous solution for two min. This coating significantly reduces the electrostatic adsorption of a group of basic proteins (i.e., cytochrome c, lysozyme, and ribonuclease A) onto the capillary wall allowing their analysis by CE-MS. The coating protocol is compatible with electrospray inonlzation (ESl)-MS via the reproducible separation of the standard basic proteins (%RSD values (n = 5) < 1 % for analysis time reproducibility and < 5% for peak heights, measured from the total ion electropherograms (flEs) within the same day). The LODs determined using cytochrome c with total ion current and extracted ion current defection were 24.5 and 2.9 fmol, respectively. Using this new coating lysozymes from chicken and turkey egg white could be easily distinguished by CE-MS, demonstrating the usefulness of this method to differentiate animal species. Even after sterilization at 1200C for 30 min, lysozyme could be detected, as well as in wines at concentrations much lower than the limit marked by the EC Commission Regulation. Adulteration of minced meat with 5% of egg-white could also be analysed by our CE-MS protocol.
Description: En: Electrophoresis. 2005, 26 : 1432-1441 p.. 1522-2683
Rights :
Issue Date: 19-Sep-2005
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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