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Plasma amino acids in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid rats.

Title: Plasma amino acids in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid rats.
Authors : Remesar, Xavier
Arola, Lluís
Palou, A.
Herrera Castillón, Emilio.
Alemany Lamana, Mariano
Keywords: Amino acids.Hyperthyroidism.Hypothyroidism.
Abstract: Plasma amino acid concentrations, together with other metabolic parameters were determined in thyroidectomized rats treated with daily injections of sal ins (hypothyroid), and 250 ,ug/kg L-T4 {hypothyroid). Data were compared with sham-operated controls. TherP. is a genera! incre'!SE> in plasma amino acid concentrations in hyperthyroidism, a limited in· crease only in several amino acid r.oncentrations in hypothyroid rats as compared with controls, and a considerable difference between the plasma aminograms of both groups. Amino acid homeostasis seems to be subject to greater modification in hyperthyroidism than in hypothyroidism.
Description: En: Hormone Metabology Reseach. 1981. n. 13, pp 38-41
Rights :
Issue Date: 19-Sep-1981
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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