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Moneo, Navarro, Miralles and the historic city: three masters interventions.


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Title: Moneo, Navarro, Miralles and the historic city: three masters interventions.
Authors : Sáenz Guerra, Francisco Javier
Keywords: Moneo, Rafael, (1937-)Miralles, Eric, (1955-2000) -Navarro Baldeweg, Juan, (1939-
Description: En: Firenze social housing : international Project workshop essays & works. Madrid : Ediciones Asimétricas, D.L. 2010. p. 42-45 ISBN. 978-84-938115-3-2
Rights :
Issue Date: 15-Nov-2010
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Escuela de Politécnica Superior

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