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Impaired intestinal sugar transport in cirrhotic rats correction by low doses of insulin-like growth factor I

Title: Impaired intestinal sugar transport in cirrhotic rats correction by low doses of insulin-like growth factor I
Authors : Castilla de Cortázar Larrea, Inma
Prieto, Jesús María
Urdaneta, Elena
Pascual, María
Núñez, María
García, María
Quiroga, Jorge
Zudaire, Enrique
Keywords: Cirrosis.
Description: En: Gastroenterology. ISSN 0016-5085. v. 113, n. 4 (1997), págs 1180-1187
Rights :
Issue Date: 16-Mar-1997
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Medicina

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