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Non-albuminuric Diabetic Kidney Disease phenotype: beyond albuminuria

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Title: Non-albuminuric Diabetic Kidney Disease phenotype: beyond albuminuria
Authors : D'Marco Gascón, Luis Gerardo
Guerra Torres, Xavier
Viejo, Iris
López Romero, Luis
Yugueros, Alejandra
Bermúdez, Valmore
Keywords: DiabetesAlbuminuriaAparato urinarioUrinary systemEnfermedad cardiovascularCardiovascular diseasesEnfermedadDiseases
Publisher: Touch Medical Media
Citation: D'Marco, L., Guerra-Torres, X., Viejo, I., Lopez-Romero, L., Yugueros, A. & Bermídez, V. (2022). Non-albuminuric Diabetic Kidney Disease phenotype: beyond albuminuria. TouchREVIEWS in Endocrinology, vol. 18, i. 2 (nov.), pp. 102–105. DOI:
Abstract: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of chronic and end-stage kidney disease worldwide. Its pathogenic mechanism is complex, and it can affect the entire structures of the kidneys such as the glomerulus, tubules and interstitium. Currently, the urinary albumin excretion rate and the estimated glomerular filtration rate are widely accepted as diagnostic criteria. However, some studies have reported a different or non-classical clinical course of DKD, with some patients showing declined kidney function with normal levels of albuminuria, known as the 'non-albuminuric DKD' phenotype. The pathogenesis of this phenotype remains unclear, but some clinical and pathological features have been postulated. This review explores the evidence regarding this topic.
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ISSN: 2752-5457 (Electrónico)
Issue Date: Nov-2022
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Medicina y Cirugía

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