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Two years later: a critical analysis of the impact of spanish law about COVID-19 on religious freedom

Title: Two years later: a critical analysis of the impact of spanish law about COVID-19 on religious freedom
Authors : Rodrigo Lara, María Belén
Publisher: Barry Hankins
Citation: Belén Rodrigo Lara, Two Years Later: A Critical Analysis of the Impact of Spanish Law About COVID-19 on Religious Freedom, Journal of Church and State, Volume 64, Issue 4, Autumn 2022, Pages 683–701,
Description: Este artículo tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 16 de noviembre de 2024
Rights :
ISSN: 2040-4867
Issue Date: 15-Nov-2022
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Derecho

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