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GREECE vs. SPAIN: Similarities and Differences in the Evolution of Unemployment in the 21st Century



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Title: GREECE vs. SPAIN: Similarities and Differences in the Evolution of Unemployment in the 21st Century
Authors : Arroyo Fernández, María Jesús
García Centeno, María del Carmen
Hurtado Ocaña, Inmaculada
Fernández Sánchez, Pedro
Keywords: Macroeconomic variablesLabour MarketGreat Recession
Publisher: Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER
Abstract: Unemployment is one of the main problems facing today's economies. In the context of the European Union, it is the Mediterranean economies that have traditionally shown a less favorable evolution of unemployment. This paper presents an explanatory model of the evolution of unemployment in two of these Mediterranean economies, Greece, and Spain, since the launching of the European Monetary Union. These were two of the European economies hardest hit by the Great Recession of 2008 and subsequently by the pandemic in 2020, so it is interesting to study which economic factors would explain the evolution of their unemployment rates. For this purpose, economic variables such as GDP pc, the output gap, investment, deficit, the employment rate by educational levels, inflation, labour productivity, labour force and public spending as a percentage of GDP. On the other hand, it is interesting to note to what extent Greece and Spain have or have not shown similar patterns of behavior of their labour markets so far this century, and what kind of economic policy measures could be put in place to ensure that both countries cease to have one of the highest unemployment rates in the EU. Finally, it will be analyzed how they have been affected by the Great Recession and the covid health crisis.
Rights :
Open Access
ISSN: 2407-9480
Issue Date: Apr-2024
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Económicas y CC Empresariales

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