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Las caras de Kahn



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Title: Las caras de Kahn
The faces of Kahn
Authors : Maestre Galindo, Clara Eugenia
Keywords: KahnAutorretratoCarasSelf-portraitsFaces
Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Citation: Maestre Galindo, C. E. (2014) «Las caras de Kahn», EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, 19(24), pp. 116–125. doi: 10.4995/ega.2014.1781.
Abstract: Los seis autorretratos realizados por Louis Kahn entre 1928 y 1949 son capaces de desvelar más aspectos de la persona que el conjunto de la gran mayoría de las fotografías tomadas sobre él a lo largo de su existencia (1901-1974). Consciente o inconscientemente, tal vez involuntariamente Kahn nos conduce a través de ellos hacia pliegues de su personalidad que, aunque desvelados en apenas veinte años, encierran toda una vida.

The self-portraits produced by Louis Kahn are capable of revealing more aspects of his person than the majority of the photographs taken of him throughout his existence (1901- 1974). Consciously or unconsciously, perhaps involuntarily, Kahn leads us through them into the folds of his personality. Although developed in hardly twenty years, they enclose an entire lifetime. The six selfportraits that are presented here correspond to the period between the years 1928 and 1949.
Rights :
ISSN: 2254-6103
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2014
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Escuela de Politécnica Superior

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