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Unravelling the Gut Microbiota of Cow’s Milk–Allergic Infants, Their Mothers, and Their Grandmothers


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Title: Unravelling the Gut Microbiota of Cow’s Milk–Allergic Infants, Their Mothers, and Their Grandmothers
Authors : Mera Berriatua, Leticia
Zubeldia Varela, Elisa
Martín Antoniano, Isabel Adoración
López de Maturana López de Lacalle, Maria Evangelina
Rojo Blanco, David
Bazire, Raphaëlle
Cabrera-Freitag, Paula
Barker Tejeda, Tomas Clive
Úbeda Morant, Carles
Barber Hernández, Domingo
Francino, María Pilar
Ibáñez-Sandín, María Dolores
Pérez Gordo, Marina
Keywords: Gut microbiotaFood allergyCow's milk allergy16S rRNA gene sequencingIntergenerational cohortMicrobiota intestinalAlergia alimentariaAlergia a leche de vacaSecuenciación del gen ARNr 16SCohorte intergeneracional
Publisher: SEAIC
Citation: Mera-Berriatua L, Zubeldia-Varela E, Martín-Antoniano IA, López de Maturana E, Rojo D, Bazire R, Cabrera-Freitag P, Barker-Tejeda TC, Ubeda C, Barber D, Francino MP, Ibáñez-Sandín MD, Pérez-Gordo M. Unravelling the Gut Microbiota of Cow's Milk-Allergic Infants, Their Mothers, and Their Grandmothers. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2022 Oct;32(5):395-398. doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0781. PMID: 36219548.
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ISSN: 1018-9068
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Medicina

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