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Emerging Opportunities of Radiotherapy Combined With Immunotherapy in the Era of Breast Cancer Heterogeneity

Title: Emerging Opportunities of Radiotherapy Combined With Immunotherapy in the Era of Breast Cancer Heterogeneity
Authors : Tsoutsou, Pelagia G.
Zaman, Khalil
Martín Lluesma, Silvia
Cagnon, Laurene
Kandalaft, Lana E.
Vozenin, Marie Catherine
Keywords: Breast cancerSubtypesImmunotherapyRadiotherapyTILs
Publisher: Frontiers Media
Citation: Tsoutsou PG, Zaman K, Martin Lluesma S, Cagnon L, Kandalaft L and Vozenin M-C (2018) Emerging Opportunities of Radiotherapy Combined With Immunotherapy in the Era of Breast Cancer Heterogeneity. Front. Oncol. 8:609. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2018.00609
Abstract: The association of radiotherapy and immunotherapy has recently emerged as an exciting combination that might improve outcomes in many solid tumor settings. In the context of breast cancer, this opportunity is promising and under investigation. Given the heterogeneity of breast cancer, it might be meaningful to study the association of radiotherapy and immunotherapy distinctly among the various breast cancer subtypes. The use of biomarkers, such as tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, which are also associated to breast cancer heterogeneity, might provide an opportunity for tailored studies. This review highlights current knowledge of the association of radiotherapy and immunotherapy in the setting of breast cancer and attempts to highlight the therapeutic opportunities among breast cancer heterogeneity.
Rights :
ISSN: 2234-943X
Issue Date: 12-Dec-2018
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Medicina

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