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Χλωρός in the Septuagint: Color or State?


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Title: Χλωρός in the Septuagint: Color or State?
Authors : García Ureña, Lourdes
Keywords: SeptuagintColorStateEncyclopedicKnowledgeCognitiveLinguisticsGreen
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Citation: García Ureña, Lourdes. "Χλωρός in the Septuagint: Color or State?" en Harvard Theological Review. 2024
Abstract: The adjective χλωρός appears in the Septuagint to translate Hebrew terms that not only denote color, but state as well. In fact, in biblical Hebrew color is not a quality, but rather a “state” of the entities it describes. It is logical to wonder, then, whether it also expresses this in the Septuagint or if it denotes only color. To answer this question, it is necessary to carry out an interdisciplinary study of color and color language. The methodology followed will first study the concept of color in the Hellenistic world and in the Septuagint, as well as the cultural context in which the Septuagint translators lived. Subsequently, an approximate account of the “encyclopedic knowledge” that those translators possessed will be given, followed, finally, by a semantic analysis of χλωρός in the Septuagint. After applying this methodology, it will be shown that in the Septuagint, as in the Hellenistic world in general, natural color expresses both color and state, with color being the visual reflection of that state.
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Issue Date: 11-Jan-2024
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Humanidades y CC de la Comunicación

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