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Graphs of stable Gauss maps and Quine's Theorem for oriented 2-manifolds


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Title: Graphs of stable Gauss maps and Quine's Theorem for oriented 2-manifolds
Authors : Mendes de Jesus Sánchez, Catarina
Romero Sánchez, Pantaleón David
Keywords: Singularidades (Matemáticas)Topología algebraica.Algebraic topology.Curves on surfaces.Curvas sobre superficies.Gauss maps.Gauss, Aplicaciones de.Singularities (Mathematics)
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Mendes de Jesus, C. & Romero, P. D. (2022). Graphs of stable Gauss maps and Quine’s theorem for oriented 2-manifolds. Mathematics, vol. 10, i. 17 (29 aug.), art. 3104. DOI:
Abstract: In this paper we will study the topology of the singular set of stable Gauss maps from closed orientable surfaces immersed in the 3-space from a global point of view and we will obtain a relationship between the Euler Characteristic of the regular components and the signs of the cusps.
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ISSN: 2227-7390 (Electrónico)
Language: es
Issue Date: 29-Aug-2022
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Matemáticas, Física y Ciencias Tecnológicas

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