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Effects of dentine pretreatment solutions containing flavonoids on the resin polymer-dentine interface created using a modern universal adhesive


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Title: Effects of dentine pretreatment solutions containing flavonoids on the resin polymer-dentine interface created using a modern universal adhesive
Authors : Dávila Sánchez, Andrés
Gutiérrez, Mario Felipe
Pailover Bermúdez, Jorge
Méndez Bauer, Luján
Pulido, Camilo
Kiratzc, Fagner
Sauro, Salvatore.
Keywords: Dental materials.Gomas y resinas sintéticas - Aplicaciones en Odontología.Adhesivos dentales.Gums and resins, synthetic in Dentistry.Materiales dentales.Dentina.Dentin.Dental adhesives.
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Dávila-Sánchez, A., Gutierrez, M.F., Bermudez, J.P., Méndez-Bauer, L., Pulido, C., Kiratzc, F., Alegria-Acevedo, L.F., Farago, P.V., Loguercio, A.D., Sauro, S. & Arrais, C.A.G. (2021). Effects of dentine pretreatment solutions containing flavonoids on the resin polymer-dentine interface created using a modern universal adhesive. Polymers, vol. 13, i. 7 (04 apr.), art. 1145. DOI:
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of several experimental pretreatment crosslinker solutions on the resin polymer–dentine interface created using a representative universal adhesive system, by means of microtensile bond strength testing ( TBS), nanomechanical properties and ultramorphology confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Five experimental solutions containing different flavonoids were applied as dentine pretreatment after acid etching. A control pretreatment group containing no flavonoid was also employed. A representative modern universal adhesive was then applied, followed by a 3 mm thick composite built up. Specimens were sectioned into sticks and submitted to a TBS test or nanoindentation analysis along the interface (24 h or 25,000 thermocycles). The ultramorphology of the polymer–resin interface was also evaluated using CLSM. The results were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post hoc test ( = 0.05). All flavonoids improved short- and long-term TBS values (p < 0.01), while only some specific such solutions improved the nanomechanical properties (p < 0.05) and preserved the structural morphology of the interface after aging. Pretreatment of acid-etched dentine using specific flavonoid-containing solutions may be a promising approach to improve both the nanomechanical properties and the durability of modern universal adhesive systems.
Description: Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL:
En este artículo de investigación también participan: Luisa Fernanda Alegria-Acevedo, Paulo Vitor Farago, Alessandro Dourado Loguercio y Cesar Augusto Galvão Arrais.
Este artículo pertenece al número especial "Overviews on the Progress of Polymeric Materials for Dental Applications".
Rights :
ISSN: 2073-4360 (Electrónico)
Issue Date: 2-Apr-2021
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Odontología

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