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High myopia and the complement system : factor H in myopic maculopathy


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Title: High myopia and the complement system : factor H in myopic maculopathy
Authors : García Gen, Enrique
Penadés Fons, Mariola
Mérida Donoso, Salvador
Desco Esteban, María Carmen
Araujo Miranda, Rafael
Navea Tejerina, Amparo
Bosch Morell, Francisco
Keywords: Retina - Diseases.Miopía.Myopia.Uvea.Retina - Enfermedades.Humor acuoso.Úvea.Aqueous humor.
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: García-Gen, E., Penadés, M., Mérida, S., Desco, C., Araujo-Miranda, R., Navea, A. & Bosch-Morell, F. (2021). High myopia and the complement system: factor H in myopic maculopathy. Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 10, i. 12 (12 jun.), art. 2600. DOI:
Abstract: High myopia (HM) is both a medical problem and refractive error of the eye owing to excessive eyeball length, which progressively makes eye tissue atrophic, and is one of the main causes for diminishing visual acuity in developed countries. Despite its high prevalence and many genetic and proteomic studies, no molecular pattern exists that explain the degenerative process underlying HM, which predisposes patients to other diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and chorioretinal atrophy that affect the macular area. To determine the relation between complement Factors H (CFH) and D (CFD) and the maculopathy of patients with degenerative myopia, we studied aqueous humor samples that were collected by aspiration from 122 patients during cataract surgery. Eyes were classified according to eyeball axial length as high myopia (axial length > 26 mm), low myopia (axial length 23.5–25.9 mm) and control (axial length < 23.4 mm). The degree of maculopathy was classified according to fundus oculi findings following IMI’s classification. Subfoveal choroid thickness was measured by optical coherence tomography. CFH and CFD measurements were taken by ELISA. CFH levels were significantly high in the high myopia group vs. the low myopia and control groups (p < 0.05). Significantly high CFH values were found in those eyes with choroid atrophy and neovascularization (p < 0.05). In parallel, the CFH concentration correlated inversely with choroid thickness (R = 􀀀0.624). CFD levels did not correlate with maculopathy. All the obtained data seem to suggest that CFH plays a key role in myopic pathology.
Description: Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL:
Este artículo de investigación pertenece al número especial "New Advances in Retinal Research".
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ISSN: 2077-0383 (Electrónico)
Issue Date: 12-Jun-2021
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Ciencias Biomédicas

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