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FGF21-protection against fructose-induced lipid accretion and oxidative stress is influenced by maternal nutrition in male progeny.

Title: FGF21-protection against fructose-induced lipid accretion and oxidative stress is influenced by maternal nutrition in male progeny.
Authors : Rodríguez, Lourdes
Bocos de Prada, Carlos
Rodrigo, Silvia
Fauste Alonso, Elena
Panadero Antón, María Isabel
Keywords: Fructose.Fetal programming.FGF21.Liver.Adipose tissue.Oxidative stress.
Description: Artículo en colaboración: Silvia Rodrigo, Lourdes Rodríguez, Cristina Donis, Antonia García, Coral Barbas, Juan J. Álvarez-Millán, María I. Panadero, Paola Otero, Carlos Bocos
En: Journal of Functional Foods. 2020. vol. 64 : 103676. e-ISSN 1756-4646
Rights :
Issue Date: 10-Aug-2020
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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