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Flexible use of allocentric and egocentric spatial memories activates differential neural networks in mices


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Title: Flexible use of allocentric and egocentric spatial memories activates differential neural networks in mices
Authors : Rinaldi, Arianna
De Leonibus, Elvira
Cifra, Alessandra
Torromino, Giulia
Minicocci, Elisa
De Sanctis, Elisa
López Pedrajas, Rosa María
Keywords: Memory.Redes neuronales (Neurobiología)Memoria.Neurobiology.Neurobiología.Neural networks (Neurobiology)
Publisher: Nature Research.
Citation: Rinaldi, A., De Leonibus, E., Cifra, A., Torromino, G., Minicocci, E., De Sanctis, E. et al. (2020). Flexible use of allocentric and egocentric spatial memories activates differential neural networks in mice. Scientific Reports, vol. 10, art. 11338 (09 jul.). DOI:
Abstract: Goal-directed navigation can be based on world-centered (allocentric) or body-centered (egocentric) representations of the environment, mediated by a wide network of interconnected brain regions, including hippocampus, striatum and prefrontal cortex. The relative contribution of these regions to navigation from novel or familiar routes, that demand a different degree of flexibility in the use of the stored spatial representations, has not been completely explored. To address this issue, we trained mice to find a reward relying on allocentric or egocentric information, in a modified version of the cross-maze task. Then we used Zif268 expression to map brain activation when well-trained mice were required to find the goal from a novel or familiar location. Successful navigation was correlated with the activation of CA1, posterior-dorsomedial striatum, nucleus accumbens core and infralimbic cortex when allocentric-trained mice needed to use a novel route. Allocentric navigation from a familiar route activated dorsomedial striatum, nucleus accumbens, prelimbic and infralimbic cortex. None of the structures analyzed was significantly activated in egocentric-trained mice, irrespective of the starting position. These data suggest that a flexible use of stored allocentric information, that allows goal finding even from a location never explored during training, induces a shift from fronto-striatal to hippocampal circuits.
Description: Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL:
En este artículo también participan: Alberto Oliverio y Andrea Mele.
Rights :
ISSN: 2045-2322 (Electrónico).
Issue Date: 9-Jul-2020
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Ciencias Biomédicas

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