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Characterisation_Alambiaga_JD_2024.pdf.jpgabr-2024Characterisation of experimental flowable composites containing fluoride-doped calcium phosphates as promising remineralising materialsAlambiaga Caravaca, Adrián Miguel; Chou, Yu Fu; Moreno, Daniel; Aparicio, Conrado; López Castellano, Alicia Cristina; Feitosa, Victor Pinheiro; Tezvergil-Mutluay, Arzu; Sauro, Salvatore.Artículo
Chemical_Sauro_DM_2023.pdf.jpgabr-2023Chemical, structural and cytotoxicity characterisation of experimental fluoride-doped calcium phosphates as promising remineralising materials for dental applicationsSauro, Salvatore.; Spagnuolo, Gianrico; Del Giudice, Carmela; Andrade Neto, Davino M.; Fechine, Pierre B.A.; Chen, Xiaohui; Rengo, Sandro; Chen, Xiaojing; Feitosa, Victor PinheiroArtículo
Collagen_Paula_MATERIALS_2022.pdf.jpg29-abr-2022Collagen cross-linking lignin improves the bonding performance of etch-and-rinse adhesives to dentinPaula, Diego M. de; Lomonaco, Diego; Parente da Ponte, Antonio Moisés; Cordeiro, Karen Evellin; Moreira, Madiana Magalhaes; Giovarruscio, Massimo; Sauro, Salvatore.; Feitosa, Victor PinheiroArtículo
Degradation_Feitosa_JAD_2019.pdf.jpg7-jun-2019Degradation of adhesive-dentin interfaces created using different bonding strategies after five-year simulated pulpal pressureFeitosa, Victor Pinheiro; Sauro, Salvatore.; Zenobi, Walter; Silva, Julianne C.; Abuna, Gabriel; Meerbeek, Bart van; Sinhoreti, Mario A.C.; Correr, Américo B.; Yoshihara, KumikoArtículo
In_Piquer_AS_2020.pdf.jpg18-nov-2020In vitro bonding performance of modern self-adhesive resin cements and conventional resin-modified glass ionomer cements to prosthetic substratesPiquer Mañó, Encarna; Marco Algarra, Rafael; Fawzy, Amr; Branco Leitune, Vicente Castelo; Collares, Fabrício M.; Feitosa, Victor Pinheiro; Sauro, Salvatore.Artículo
Lack_Paula_OD_2021.pdf.jpg7-ene-2021Lack of neutralization of 10-MDP primers by zirconia may affect the degree of conversion of dual-cure resin cementPaula, Diego M. de; Loguercio, Alessandro D.; Reis, Alessandra; Sauro, Salvatore.; Alves, Adyson H.; Picanço, Paulo R.; Yoshihara, Kumiko; Feitosa, Victor PinheiroArtículo
Physicochemical_Feitosa_FIM_2020.pdf.jpg15-oct-2020Physicochemical properties of experimental resin-based materials containing fluoridated calcium phosphatesFeitosa, Victor Pinheiro; Pinheiro, Levy S.; Martins Moura, Maria Elisa; Martins de Paula, Diego; Alves, Adyson H.; Rodrigues, Lidany Karla; Sauro, Salvatore.Artículo
Allogenic_Feitosa_BIOENGINEERING_2022.pdf.jpg17-nov-2022The allogenic dental pulp transplantation from son-daughter to mother-father a follow-up of three clinical casesFeitosa, Victor Pinheiro; Mota, Mara Natiere; Savoldi, Roseane; Rifane, Tainah; Paula, Diego M. de; Borges, Livia; Sauro, Salvatore.Artículo