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Retrospective review of the group research (2015-2024): from the Miniterms to the I3oT (Industrializable Industrial Internet of Things)

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Título : Retrospective review of the group research (2015-2024): from the Miniterms to the I3oT (Industrializable Industrial Internet of Things)
Autor : García Magraner, Eduardo Andrés
Montés Sánchez, Nicolás
Lacasa Corral, Antonio
Llopis Ballester, Javier
Teruel, Hilario
Segrelles, Manolo
Correcher, Jorge
Peinado Asensi, Iván
Ibáñez, Daniel
Soret, Jesús
Martos, Julio
Hilario Pérez, Lucía
Rosillo Guerrero, Nuria
Falcó Montesinos, Antonio
Vizcaino Hilario, Judith
Materias: Industria del automóvilMotor vehicle industryProducción industrialIndustrial productionDesarrollo industrialIndustrial developmentAutomatizaciónAutomationModernización de la empresaCompany modernisationInternet of ThingsInternet de las cosas
Editorial : MDPI
Citación : García, E., Montés, N., Lacasa, A., Llopis, J., Teruel, H., Segrelles, M., Correcher, J., Peinado-Asensi, I., Ibáñez, D., Soret, J., Martos, J., Hilario, L., Rosillo, N., Falcó, A., & Vizcaino, J. (2024). Retrospective review of the group research (2015-2024): from the Miniterms to the I3oT (Industrializable Industrial Internet of Things). Article version submitted.
Resumen : This document aims to make a retrospective of our work in the Ford research group in collaboration with researchers from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University and the University of Valencia. The research group originated from the doctoral thesis by Eduardo García Magraner and his thesis was directed by Nicolás Montés in 2016. The Mini-terms were formulated for the first time in this thesis. From then on, the research group grew as the mini-terms began to consolidate both industrially and scientifically. At industrial level we were provided with a CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) which made it possible to massify the mini-terms at Ford factory in Valencia and at scientific level we attended different congresses. Especially relevant was ICINCO 2018 since the concept of the mini-terms could be presented to the programme chair of the congress, Oleg Gusikhin, (Global Data Insight & Analytics, Ford Motor Company, United States). His support led to the consolidation of the mini-terms through their standardization within Ford and also the consolidation of the group through the inclusion of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in the URP (University Research Program). The success of Eduardo García’s doctoral thesis motivated the Foundation for Development and Innovation (FDI) to decide to fund doctoral theses within Ford, financing a thesis in collaboration with the University of Valencia and another one with the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. Moreover, Eduardo García’s thesis motivated the staff of the plant to take the step to carry out doctoral theses, funded by the INNODOCTO programme of the Generalitat Valenciana. Throughout this journey different awards have been won such as the Henry Ford Technology Awards in 2019, the Factories of the Future Awards in 2021, the Global Manufacturing Technical Excellence Award in 2023 and the Angel Herrera Award for the best research work in 2024. Twenty-four communications have been made to congresses, ICINCO being the congress with the highest number of communications. In particular, at ICINCO 2020, one of these articles was selected as the Best Industrial Paper Award. Thirteen articles have been published in indexed journals with an impact index and also three book chapters. This document aims at reviewing the different tools and concepts developed and introduced by the research group as well as trying to define its objective.
Descripción : Este artículo es la versión preprint, siguiendo la política de acceso de MDPI.
Este es el pre-print del siguiente artículo: García, E., Montés, N., Lacasa, A., Llopis, J., Teruel, H., Segrelles, M., Correcher, J., Peinado-Asensi, I., Ibáñez, D., Soret, J., Martos, J., Hilario, L., Rosillo, N., Falcó, A., & Vizcaino, J. (2024). Retrospective review of the group research (2015-2024): from the Miniterms to the I3oT (Industrializable Industrial Internet of Things). Article version submitted.
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: García, E., Montés, N., Lacasa, A., Llopis, J., Teruel, H., Segrelles, M., Correcher, J., Peinado-Asensi, I., Ibáñez, D., Soret, J., Martos, J., Hilario, L., Rosillo, N., Falcó, A., & Vizcaino, J. (2024). Retrospective review of the group research (2015-2024): from the Miniterms to the I3oT (Industrializable Industrial Internet of Things). Article version submitted.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10637/16307
Derechos: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.es
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Centro : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Matemáticas, Física y Ciencias Tecnológicas

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