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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad San Pablo-CEU. Escuela Politécnica Superior-
dc.creatorLorenzo Cueva, Covadonga-
dc.identifier.citationLorenzo-Cueva, C. (2024). Unveiling the Environment Through the Exploration of Optical Phenomena and Color: Navarro Baldeweg’s Interior III (1975). In: Hermida González, L., Xavier, J.P., Pernas Alonso, I., Losada Pérez, C. (eds) Graphic Horizons. EGA 2024. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 44. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-57579-2_29en_EN
dc.identifier.issn978-3-031-57579-2 (en línea)-
dc.descriptionAcceso al texto en: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-57579-2_29es_ES
dc.description.abstractJuan Navarro Baldeweg´s installation Interior III (1975) was exhib ited at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1975, as a compendium of the research that he began to develop around the exploration of optical phenomena and color, seeking to investigate those mechanisms that allow observation, apprehension, and the understanding of the environment. The installation is part of a series, in which, starting from empty rooms, Juan Navarro Baldeweg explored various concepts and ideas, which, over time, came to be what he called the essential variables that can be found in his architectural designs and works of art. The study of this instal lation and the optical pieces that he created in this context can help us understand in depth some of these variables, which ended up laying the foundations on which his unique professional career is based.en_EN
dc.relation.ispartofGraphic Horizons. Volume 3 - Graphics for Knowledge-
dc.subjectOptical phenomenaen_EN
dc.titleUnveiling the Environment Through the Exploration of Optical Phenomena and Color: Navarro Baldeweg’s Interior III (1975)en_EN
dc.centroUniversidad San Pablo-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Escuela de Politécnica Superior

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