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dc.creatorOlivencia Ruiz, Manuel-
dc.descriptionEn: Arbitraje: revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones. eISSN. 2603-9281. vol. 3, n. 3, 2009, pp 655-674-
dc.description.abstractThe Spanish Arbitration Act of 2003 in line with the approach of the Uncitral Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration is very succinct in its regulation of the content of the award. The provisions of the Act are limited to the essential requirements of the award. This study carries out a profound and systematic analysis of the arbitral award and its variants (partial awards, definitive awards and final and conclusive award). The study also details the problems raised by awards adopted after an agreement between parties. Special attention is paid to issues such as the motivation, dates, place, costs, signatures and diverging opinions in the awards. Additionally, the study covers some requirements not demanded by the Arbitration Act.en_EN
dc.subjectArbitraje comercial.es_ES
dc.subjectLaudo arbitral.es_ES
dc.subjectContenido del laudo.es_ES
dc.subjectCommercial arbitration.en_EN
dc.subjectArbitral award.en_EN
dc.subjectContent of award.en_EN
dc.titleEl laudo : naturaleza, clases y contenido.-
Aparece en las colecciones: 2009 Arbitraje nº 3

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