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dc.contributor.otherUCH. Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal-
dc.contributor.otherProducción Científica UCH 2021-
dc.creatorSatué Ambrojo, Katiuska-
dc.creatorGardon Poggi, Juan Carlos-
dc.creatorMuñoz Juzado, Ana-
dc.identifier.citationSatué, K., Gardon, J.C. & Muñoz, A. (2021). A review of current knowledge of myeloproliferative disorders in the horse. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, vol. 63, art. 8 (23 feb.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13028-021-00573-3-
dc.identifier.issn1751-0147 (Electrónico).-
dc.descriptionEste artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: https://actavetscand.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s13028-021-00573-3.pdf-
dc.description.abstractMyeloid disorders are conditions being characterized by abnormal proliferation and development of myeloid lineage including granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), monocytes, erythroids, and megakaryocytes precursor cells. Myeloid leukemia, based on clinical presentation and proliferative rate of neoplastic cells, is divided into acute (AML) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). The most commonly myeloid leukemia reported in horses are AML-M4 (myelomonocytic) and AML-M5 (monocytic). Isolated cases of AML-M6B (acute erythroid leukemia), and chronic granulocytic leukemia have also been reported. Additionally, bone marrow disorders with dysplastic alterations and ineffective hematopoiesis affecting single or multiple cell lineages or myelodysplastic diseases (MDS), have also been reported in horses. MDSs have increased myeloblasts numbers in blood or bone marrow, although less than 20%, which is the minimum level required for diagnosis of AML. This review performed a detailed description of the current state of knowlegde of the myeloproliferative disorders in horses following the criteria established by the World Health Organization.-
dc.publisherBioMed Central.-
dc.relation.ispartofActa Veterinaria Scandinavica, vol. 63.-
dc.subjectCáncer en los caballos.-
dc.subjectCancer in horses.-
dc.subjectVeterinary hematology.-
dc.subjectCaballos - Hematología.-
dc.subjectVeterinary oncology.-
dc.subjectCaballos - Enfermedades.-
dc.subjectHorses - Diseases.-
dc.subjectHematología veterinaria.-
dc.subjectOncología veterinaria.-
dc.subjectHorses - Hematology.-
dc.titleA review of current knowledge of myeloproliferative disorders in the horse-
dc.centroUniversidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Medicina y Cirugía Animal

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