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dc.contributor.otherProducción Científica UCH 2018-
dc.contributor.otherUCH. Departamento de Producción y Sanidad Animal, Salud Pública Veterinaria y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos-
dc.creatorColombo, Sergio-
dc.creatorRocamora Montiel, Beatriz-
dc.identifier.citationColombo, S. and Rocamora-Montiel, B. (2018). Result-oriented agri-environmental climate schemes as a means of promoting climate change mitigation in olive growing. Outlook on Agriculture, vol. 47, n. 2 (jun.), pp. 141-149. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0030727018770931-
dc.identifier.issn2043-6866 (Electrónico)-
dc.descriptionEste artículo se encuentra disponible en la página web de la revista en la siguiente URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0030727018770931-
dc.descriptionEste es el pre-print del siguiente artículo: Colombo, S. and Rocamora-Montiel, B. (2018). Result-oriented agri-environmental climate schemes as a means of promoting climate change mitigation in olive growing. Outlook on Agriculture, vol. 47, n. 2 (jun.), pp. 141-149, que se ha publicado de forma definitiva en https://doi.org/10.1177/0030727018770931-
dc.descriptionThis is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Colombo, S. and Rocamora-Montiel, B. (2018). Result-oriented agri-environmental climate schemes as a means of promoting climate change mitigation in olive growing. Outlook on Agriculture, vol. 47, n. 2 (jun.), pp. 141-149, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1177/0030727018770931-
dc.description.abstractThe climate change mitigation potential of olive farming has been widely acknowledged. It has particular relevance in regions such as Andalusia (southern Spain) where olive growing is a key land-use activity with significant social, economic and environmental implications. This potential of olive farming, however, is not adequately embodied in current Agri-Environmental Climate Schemes (AECS), which often fail to deliver the expected outcomes. The present paper proposes an alternative strategy based on a result-oriented approach to AECS for enhancing soil-carbon sequestration in Andalusian olive growing. After reviewing the current legal and institutional situation which forbids the wide application of result-oriented agri-environmental schemes, we suggest the use of alternative territorial governance arrangements, such as Hybrid Governance Structures, as a framework to support the implementation of a result-oriented approach in the specific case of olive growing. Results indicate that the application of Hybrid Governance Structures can provide valuable benefits in terms of soil carbon storage. The information provided may be useful in the proposed new legislative framework, at both European and regional level, to promote more sustainable farming systems.-
dc.relationEste artículo ha sido financiado por la Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía (CEICE) y el Ministerio de Innovación y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (P11-AGR-7515).-
dc.relationUCH. Financiación Nacional-
dc.relation.ispartofOutlook on Agriculture, vol. 47, n. 2 (jun. 2018).-
dc.subjectEcología agrícola - España.-
dc.subjectClima - Cambios - Aspectos ambientales - España.-
dc.subjectClimatic changes - Environmental aspects - Spain.-
dc.subjectSoil pollution - Spain.-
dc.subjectSuelos agrícolas - Contaminación - España.-
dc.subjectOlivos - España.-
dc.subjectOlive - Spain.-
dc.subjectAgricultural ecology - Spain.-
dc.subjectSpain - Agriculture and state.-
dc.subjectEspaña - Política agraria.-
dc.titleResult-oriented agri-environmental climate schemes as a means of promoting climate change mitigation in olive growing-
dc.centroUniversidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU-
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Producción y Sanidad Animal, Salud Pública Veterinaria y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos

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