Facultad de Derecho, Empresa y Políticas

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    Effectiveness in integrated marketing communication : a study on Coca-Cola and Pepsi in Spain and the United States2017-07-07

    Purpose: This thesis focuses on IMC research, a concept that has had a strong development in recent years, mainly from the emergence of new technologies and a change in the methods in which the companies communicate with the consumers. In the first part of this study, the different IMC contributions are reviewed. Next comes an analysis of both companies, our object of study, finishing with a rivalry analysis between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. This paper stands out for the its originality in studying the perception of consumers in the use of Integrated Marketing Communications in Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, two large multinational companies, and between the two countries of Spain and the U.S.A. Design / Methodology This research has been undertaken in the Spanish and U.S. markets. In the first place, the perception of the quality of communications of these companies by the industry professionals is analyzed. The consumer's perception was analyzed next, in order to compare same to that of the professional’s, and to demonstrate the validity of the model utilized. Two questionnaires were prepared: a simpler one for professionals that was collected on the streets of New York and Valencia, and another one for consumers that was realized in Spain and the U.S.A. through an online platform. Findings: It may be concluded that the selected group of items accurately determine whether or not a company manages its marketing communications as Integrated Marketing Communications 1 0 Integrated Marketing Communications. After validating the model used, based on the different previous studies published, the perception similarity between consumers and professionals has been demonstrated. Research limitations: The study has been developed for two countries, and for two specific brands, which might be a limitation. Thus, distinct questionnaires for professionals and consumers were used, despite the validation of the model used. Practical implications: The conclusions of this thesis could lead to future research that strengthens the understanding that the consumers have about integrated marketing communications made by companies, and how being a user versus a heavy user may influence said perception. The study of both markets allows us to compare the consumers’ image of the two brands, concluding that there are hardly any differences between the consumers of both countries. The differences depending on the brand consumed and in heavy users have also been analyzed, concluding that these factors hardly influence the consumer’s perception of the IMC of the brands studied. Originality / Value: This paper’s valuable contribution resides in the research uniqueness and originality, as it is conducted in two different markets, and compares industry professionals with consumers. Additionally, we undertake an analysis of the perception in function of someone being a consumer of a brand, or by being a heavy user.

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    Robert Owen en el pensamiento utópico español : reforma política y espacios urbanos2017-02-13

    El concepto de utopía ha sido estudiado desde diversas ópticas y disciplinas. La crítica política es una de ellas y se vale de todo un conjunto de herramientas educativas, laborales e incluso arquitectónicas para proyectar una sociedad alternativa que garantice la armonía social, convencida de que sólo observando la sociedad desde un punto de vista integral se alcanzará su meta. La utopía, la crítica política y el pragmatismo fueron de la mano en el siglo XIX. Con la llegada de la Revolución Industrial y el liberalismo, los socialistas utópicos alzaron la voz contra un nuevo mundo que prometía la felicidad individual pero descuidaba el bienestar general. Esta corriente de pensamiento se desarrolló en diversos lugares de la Europa más avanzada, principalmente en Gran Bretaña y Francia. También España, en su intento por instaurar un nuevo Estado-nación moderno que superase el Antiguo Régimen, importó los pensamientos de los principales socialistas utópicos. Los estudios realizados hasta la fecha evidencian la influencia del Conde de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier o Étienne Cabet sobre algunos reformistas españoles que abrazaron sus teorías y lucharon fervientemente por implantarlas en España. Sin embargo, no se ha demostrado hasta el momento influencia alguna del socialista utópico inglés, Robert Owen, a pesar de su importancia en diversos proyectos reformistas en Europa y América. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar las principales líneas reformistas de Robert Owen, comprobar si empleó la arquitectura como arma política y demostrar que sus ideas influyeron en el socialismo utópico español. / Utopia has been studied by diverse sciences and using very different points of view. One of these perspectives studies utopia as a way of political protest. In this sense utopia uses educative, labour o architectural reforms to design a real harmonic community, convinced that if society is observed as a whole this goal will be achieved. In the Nineteenth Century utopia, political protest and pragmatism joined together as they never had. In the Industrial Revolution and liberalism background, the utopian socialists criticised a new world that promised individual happiness but renounced overall welfare. This school of thought flourished in different European countries, being especially significant in Great Britain and France. Even Spain, in its attempt to come up with a new modern State that would finish with the Ancien Régime, observed the theories of the main utopian socialists. Studies carried out so far prove that the ideas of Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier or Étienne Cabet influenced different Spanish reformists that tried to introduce their projects in Spain. However, no evidence has been found about the influence that Robert Owen could have had in Spanish thinkers, despite his importance in reformist projects around Europe and America. The objectives of this study are the ones that follow: analyse Robert Owen’s main ideas of reform; prove if he used the architecture as a political tool and evidence if his ideas had an impact in the Spanish utopian socialism.