Facultad de Derecho, Empresa y Políticas

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    Los procesos de desvinculación y reintegración de las niñas asociadas con fuerzas o grupos armados : “thinking outside the box”2021-02-04

    Resumen: las niñas asociadas con fuerzas o grupos armados tienen necesidades específicas de protección y asistencia internacionales que se manifiestan durante los procesos de desvinculación que ponen fin a su asociación con estos, ya sea durante el conflicto armado o en la etapa de construcción de la paz. Este estudio presenta un análisis crítico del marco conceptual y operacional en el que se inscriben actualmente estos procesos de desvinculación y reintegración de las niñas asociadas con fuerzas o grupos armados, incluidos los procesos formales de desarme, desmovilización y reintegración (ddr) tal y como están siendo ideados, implementados y evaluados por los Estados, las organizaciones internacionales (OI) y las ONG. / Abstract: Girls associated with armed forces or groups have specific needs for international protection and assistance that are also arise in the processes of disengagement that put an end to their association with such groups, both in armed conflict and post-conflict situations and peacebuilding. This study aims to provide a critical examination of the current conceptual and operational framework applicable in those processes; this includes the formal Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (ddr) processes as they are currently being envisaged, implemented and evaluated by States, IOS and NGOs. / Resumo: as meninas associadas com forças ou grupos armados têm necessidades específicas de proteção e assistência internacional que também se manifestam durante os processos de desligamento que põem fim à sua associação com tais grupos, seja durante o conflito armado ou na fase subsequente à construção da paz. Este estudo apresenta uma análise crítica do quadro conceitual e operacional em que esses processos de desligamento e reintegração de meninas associadas com forças ou grupos armados estão atualmente inscritos; incluindo os processos formais de Desarmamento, Desmobilização e Reintegração (ddr) à medida que vão sendo concebidos, implementados e avaliados pelos Estados, OIS e ONGs.

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    La protección de las niñas asociadas con fuerzas armadas o grupos armados2020-06-01

    La intersección entre género y edad hace que las niñas asociadas con fuerzas armadas o grupos armados no se encuentren adecuadamente protegidas por el DIH. Pese a los desarrollos normativos y jurisprudenciales más recientes, la regulación del reclutamiento y participación de niños en conflictos armados sigue siendo fragmentaria y carente de perspectiva de género. En este estudio se abordan las lagunas y deficiencias en la protección jurídica de estas niñas, tanto si cumplen funciones de combate como si tienen asignadas otras funciones dentro del grupo, supongan o no participación activa en las hostilidades. / The intersection between gender and age makes girls associated with armed forces and armed groups do not look is adequately protected by IHL. Despite latest regulatory and jurisprudential developments, the legal framework on the recruitment and participation of children in armed conflicts is remains fragmentary and lacking a gender perspective. In this study the existing shortcomings in the protection of girls associated with armed groups, are analyzed both if they meet combat functions as if they carry out another type of functions, involving or not active participation in hostilities.

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    Justice transitionnelle et violence contre les femmes : un aspect clé dans le processus de paix2009-01-01

    As soon as transitional justice mechanisms are instruments to address the problems of "justice" that any peace process pose, it is important to choose the most appropriate one for each different situation. This is the reason why we need to know about the situation in the country or territory concerned, which are the crimes that must be addressed and what is the social context to which it should be applied. The paper starts from the special situation of vulnerability in which women are in many of the countries affected by armed conflicts or situations of serious social crisis, including the occupied territories. Gender-based violence and crimes targeted specifically against women increase in these contexts and this has been especially dramatic in recent years (for instance the use of rape as war weapon or the increase of serious sexual and physical assaults in these contexts). Women have been invisible in peace processes throughout the twentieth century and, of course, only after the 90ties, transitional justice mechanisms have had a gender perspective. The twenty-first century seems to begin with hope in this field and UNSC Resolution 1325 (2000) is an example of the fact that International Community is waking up to this question. Women must have a very important role in building peace and, transitional justice should have a gender perspective. However, only after understanding and analysing the origins, consequences and the special features presented by this violence in general and in each specific context, we will be able to determine the appropriate mechanism for its punishment and prevention and for using these mechanisms in order to decrease women vulnerability in these societies. If the mechanism selected to solve the problems of transitional justice in the occupied territories is not the appropriate for the punishment of such crimes, it will be necessary to know their strengths and weaknesses to address gender questions. Once this is done, we will be able to make the necessary institutional reforms in order to meet the needs of women. Therefore it is our goal to make a review of the main mechanisms of transitional justice (International Criminal Courts, Mixed Courts, Truth Commissions, Internal Courts) identifying, with specific cases, the benefits and challenges of their use for the punishment of crimes of gender.