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    Espacios columnarios en la arquitectura gótica valenciana el claustrillo de la Cartuja de Porta Coeli2022-03-24

    La Cartuja de Porta Coeli conserva un claustro gótico que, pese a sus reducidas dimensiones y aparente sencillez, destaca por su belleza compositiva y sofisticada manufactura de cantería. Es, además, una obra especialmente singular en el contexto de la arquitectura medieval valenciana. El carácter eremítico de la orden Cartujana alejada de todo contacto con el mundo exterior, ha mantenido prácticamente intacto hasta nuestros días este exquisito ejemplo arquitectónico donde conviven la tradición de la cantería con la albañilería estructural. El presente texto muestra los resultados del análisis gráfico y documental realizado, restituyendo por medio del levantamiento, las leyes compositivas y la traza como método gráfico de diseño. El artículo, pues, plantea un primer estudio sobre este espacio arquitectónico, situándolo en el contexto de la cantería valenciana, en el momento de los grandes maestros canteros, y, además, pretende realizar un acercamiento fundado al descubrimiento de su autoría.

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    Sudcalifornia como caso de estudio del intersticio climático del hábitat urbano2022-05-20

    El clima del estado de Baja California Sur, México, marca unas condiciones de tiempo meteorológico particularizado. Desde el asoleamiento hasta la disposición de las ciudades costeras mantienen una relación con la zona litoral y sus expresiones, principalmente respecto a viento y humedad. El estudio del confort adaptativo permite para estas ciudades comprender áreas de estudio para climas extremos, en donde las condiciones hostiles terminan marcando variaciones al confort colectivo. Mientras que, el estudio de las condiciones urbanas permite definir algunas pautas de diseño y arquitectura. El análisis de la física de los vientos, la selección adecuada de vegetación, su disposición, así como la consideración de la materialidad de las superficies permite entender la relación entre el ecosistema de costa y su aprovechamiento para las condiciones del hábitat urbano. Las conclusiones obtenidas están encaminadas a establecer algunos nuevos cuestionamientos tanto para la propia península como para ciudades con una condición climática similar.

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    One-loop determination of τ ; π(K)ντ [γ] branching ratios and new physics tests2022-02-21

    We calculate the ratios R /P 􀀀 ( ! P [ ]) /􀀀 (P ! μ μ[ ]) (P = ,K) at one loop following a large-NC expansion where Chiral Perturbation Theory is enlarged by including the lightest resonances and respecting the short-distance behavior dictated by QCD. We find R / = (0.18±0.57)% and R /K = (0.97±0.58)%, where the uncertainties are induced fundamentally by the counterterms. We test the lepton universality, obtaining |g /gμ| = 0.9964±0.0038 and |g /gμ|K = 0.9857±0.0078, and analyze the CKM unitarity, getting results at 2.1 and 1.5 from unitarity via |Vus/Vud| and |Vus|, respectively. We also update the search for non-standard interactions in decays. As a by-product, we report the theoretical radiative corrections to the ! P [ ] decay rates: = −(0.24 ± 0.56)% and K = −(0.15 ± 0.57)%.

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    All-in-one mosquito containers from the laboratory to the release sites2022-02-09

    Integrated vector control programs that use a Sterile Insect Technique approach require the production and release of large numbers of high quality, sterile male insects. In pilot projects conducted worldwide, sterile males are usually kept in containers at low densities until their manual release on the ground. Although the quality of the released insects is high, these containers are only suitable for small-scale projects, given the fact that the manual labor required for release is significant and therefore untenable in large-scale projects. This study will compare and contrast the quality of the males reared in the proposed “all-in-one” containers which considerably reduce both the handling of the insects and the manual labor required for release. As a result, project costs are lower. The design of these “all-in-one” containers incorporates two important features: ventilation and the density of the vertical resting surface. Having evaluated both features, it can be concluded that ventilation does not directly affect the quality of the insects, at least in the range of dimensions tested. However, the quality of the male insects is reduced in relation to an increase in the number of mosquitoes, with 500 being the optimum quantity of mosquitoes per “all-in-one” container.

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    Standardization of the FAO-IAEA flight test for quality control of sterile mosquitoes2022-07-18

    Successful implementation of the sterile insect technique (SIT) against Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus relies on maintaining a consistent release of high-quality sterile males. Affordable, rapid, practical quality control tools based on the male’s flight ability (ability to escape from a flight device) may contribute to meeting this requirement. Therefore, this study aims to standardize the use of the original FAO/IAEA rapid quality control flight test device (FTD) (version 1.0), while improving handling conditions and reducing the device’s overall cost by assessing factors that could impact the subsequent flight ability of Aedes mosquitoes. The new FTD (version 1.1) is easier to use. The most important factors affecting escape rates were found to be tube color (or “shade”), the combined use of a lure and fan, mosquito species, and mosquito age and density (25; 50; 75; 100 males). Other factors measured but found to be less important were the duration of the test (30, 60, 90, 120min), fan speed (normal 3000 rpm vs. high 6000 rpm), and mosquito strain origin. In addition, a cheaper version of the FTD (version 2.0) that holds eight individual tubes instead of 40 was designed and successfully validated against the new FTD (version 1.1). It was sensitive enough to distinguish between the effects of cold stress and high irradiation dose. Therefore, the eight-tube FTD may be used to assess Aedes’ flight ability. This study demonstrated that the new designs (versions 1.1 and 2.0) of the FTD could be used for standard routine quality assessments of Aedes mosquitoes required for an SIT and other male release-based programs.

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    Relaciones significativas un acercamiento a la obra de Nuno Melo Sousa2022-04-28

    Este acercamiento y estudio de la obra de Nuno Melo Sousa pretende entender las intenciones y los procesos de un arquitecto cuya trayectoria, acotada a un período corto de tiempo pero intensa en resultados, muestra desde sus inicios una personalidad propia. Una arquitectura serena, estable, en silencio, que comprende el contexto para intervenir en él respetando lo existente y añadiendo valor a través de lo construido. La lectura de sus trabajos, más allá de pretender ser un trazado cronológico, trata de abstraer ciertos principios que permanecen presentes en todos ellos. Arte y artesanía, dibujo y pensamiento, monumentalidad y belleza, serenidad y paisaje, y plasticidad y textura son los términos que, emparejados, sirven de soporte para recorrer y describir la esencia de sus obras. Sus dibujos, sus palabras y las fotografías de sus obras (inéditas) son soporte del texto que trata de explicar su obra.

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    In situ calibration algorithm to optimize energy consumption in an automotive stamping factory process2022-06-24

    The world’s large factories in all sectors consume a great deal of resources, either raw materials or energy, to develop their products. Saving resources can have a positive impact on the sustainable development of the planet. Automotive manufacturers are a clear example of how to save by investing resources in improving technologies and optimizing processes. This article focuses on one of the most common processes in the automotive sector: the stamping process. For the optimization of this process, previous simulations are usually carried out in order to define the optimal parameters and which should only be applied for a correct operation. The real circumstances of the plant show there is a large discrepancy between the parameters obtained by simulation and the real process because of the difference in material properties, lubrication, press operation, etc. The solution is that the operators must adjust the parameters a posteriori and the only criterion to follow is obtaining the right quality of the part. In many cases, the parameters are well above the ideal. This article presents some algorithms used in order to perform an in situ calibration of the stamping presses to find the press parameters that, guaranteeing the quality of the part, allow to adjust the energy consumption to the minimum. At the end of this article the experimental results from this in-situ calibration process and the energy savings are shown.

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    Graphs of stable Gauss maps and Quine's Theorem for oriented 2-manifolds2022-08-29

    In this paper we will study the topology of the singular set of stable Gauss maps from closed orientable surfaces immersed in the 3-space from a global point of view and we will obtain a relationship between the Euler Characteristic of the regular components and the signs of the cusps.

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    Gamification for maths and physics in university degrees through a transportation challenge2022-11-04

    Our society is immersed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution due to the fast evolution of the new technologies that are modifying the labor market. In the near future, technologies related to Industry 4.0 will produce totally new goods and services. Therefore, the educational systems should adapt their programs to the future needs of an uncertain labor market. In particular, mathematics will play a key role in future jobs and there is a strong need to connect its teaching methodologies to the new technological scene. This work uses the STEAM approach (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) along with active methodologies and educational robotics with the aim of developing a new strategy for the application of mathematics and physics in an engineering degree. In particular, a transportation challenge is posed to tackle the teaching–learning process of the Bézier curves and their applications in physics. A pilot project is developed using a LEGO EV3 robot and an active methodology, where students become the center of the learning process. The experimental results of the pilot study indicate an increase in the motivation due to the use of robots and the realistic context of the challenge.

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    Manufacturing maps, a novel tool for smart factory management based on Petri nets and big data mini-terms2022-07-08

    This article defines a new concept for real-time factory management—manufacturing maps. Manufacturing maps are generated from two fundamental elements, mini-terms and Petri nets. Mini-terms are sub-times of a technical cycle, the time it takes for any component to perform its task. A mini-term, by definition, is a sub-cycle time and it would only make sense to use the term in connection with production improvement. Previous studies have shown that when the sub-cycle time worsens, this indicates that something unusual is happening, enabling anticipation of line failures. As a result, a mini-term has dual functionality, since, on the one hand, it is a production parameter and, on the other, it is a sensor used for predictive maintenance. This, combined with how easy and cheap it is to extract relevant data from manufacturing lines, has resulted in the mini-term becoming a new paradigm for predictive maintenance, and, indirectly, for production analysis. Applying this parameter using big data for machines and components can enable the complete modeling of a factory using Petri nets. This article presents manufacturing maps as a hierarchical construction of Petri nets in which the lowest level network is a temporary Petri net based on mini-terms, and in which the highest level is a global view of the entire plant. The user of a manufacturing map can select intermediate levels, such as a specific production line, and perform analysis or simulation using real-time data from the mini-term database. As an example, this paper examines the modeling of the 8XY line, a multi-model welding line at the Ford factory in Almussafes (Valencia), where the lower layers are modeled until the mini-term layer is reached. The results, and a discussion of the possible applications of manufacturing maps in industry, are provided at the end of this article.