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    A PGD-based method for robot global path planning : a primer2019-07-29

    The present paper shows, for the first time, the technique known as PGD-Vademecum as a global path planner for mobile robots. The main idea of this method is to obtain a Vademecum containing all the possible paths from any start and goal positions derived from a harmonic potential field in a predefined map. The PGD is a numerical technique with three main advantages. The first one is the ability to bring together all the possible Poisson equation solutions for all start and goal combinations in a map, guaranteeing that the resulting potential field does not have deadlocks. The second one is that the PGD-Vademecum is expressed as a sum of uncoupled multiplied terms: the geometric map and the start and goal configurations. Therefore, the harmonic potential field for any start and goal positions can be reconstructed extremely fast, in a nearly negligible computational time, allowing real-time path planning. The third one is that only a few uncoupled parameters are required to reconstruct the potential field with a low discretization error. Simulation results are shown to validate the abilities of this technique.

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    Supervised filters for EEG signal in naturally occurring epilepsy forecasting2017-06-20

    Nearly 1% of the global population has Epilepsy. Forecasting epileptic seizures with an acceptable confidence level, could improve the disease treatment and thus the lifestyle of the people who suffer it. To do that the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal is usually studied through spectral power band filtering, but this paper proposes an alternative novel method of preprocessing the EEG signal based on supervised filters. Such filters have been employed in a machine learning algorithm, such as the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), to improve the prediction of seizures. The proposed solution extends with this novel approach an algorithm that was submitted to win the third prize of an international Data Science challenge promoted by Kaggle contest platform and the American Epilepsy Society, the Epilepsy Foundation, National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Mayo Clinic. A formal description of these preprocessing methods is presented and a detailed analysis in terms of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve and Area Under ROC curve is performed. The obtained results show statistical significant improvements when compared with the spectral power band filtering (PBF) typical baseline. A trend between performance and the dataset size is observed, suggesting that the supervised filters bring better information, compared to the conventional PBF filters, as the dataset grows in terms of monitored variables (sensors) and time length. The paper demonstrates a better accuracy in forecasting when new filters are employed and its main contribution is in the field of machine learning algorithms to develop more accurate predictive systems.

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    Estudio y aplicación del sistema "balloon frame" a la industrialización de la vivienda : el caso de las "American System-Built Houses" de Frank Lloyd Wright2017-06-30

    Dentro de su extensa producción arquitectónica, Frank Lloyd Wright tuvo ocasión para experimentar con la industrialización de la madera, trabando un material tradicional con el sentido moderno de la arquitectura. La madera y Frank Lloyd Wright son inseparables del sistema balloon frame, sistema que utilizará en sus primeras viviendas y a través del cual materializará su concepto de descomposición espacial. La investigación del caso concreto de las American System-Built Houses servirá para mostrar las experiencias más tempranas de Wright con la industria, cuyas conclusiones utilizaría para sus posteriores investigaciones sobre prefabricación. / Within his large architectural production, Frank Lloyd Wright had the opportunity to experiment with the timber industrialization, linking a traditional material with the modern sense of architecture. Wood and Frank Lloyd Wright are inseparable from the balloon frame system, a system which he will use at his first housing and through which he will materialize the spatial decomposition concept. The research on the particular American System-Built Houses case will serve to show the earliest experiences of Wright with the industry, whose conclusions he would use for subsequent researches on prefabrication.

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    Fingerprints of heavy scales in electroweak effective Lagrangians2017-04-04

    The couplings of the electroweak e ective theory contain information on the heavy-mass scales which are no-longer present in the low-energy Lagrangian. We build a general e ective Lagrangian, implementing the electroweak chiral symmetry breaking SU(2)L SU(2)R ! SU(2)L+R, which couples the known particle elds to heavier states with bosonic quantum numbers JP = 0 and 1 . We consider colour-singlet heavy elds that are in singlet or triplet representations of the electroweak group. Integrating out these heavy scales, we analyze the pattern of low-energy couplings among the light elds which are generated by the massive states. We adopt a generic non-linear realization of the electroweak symmetry breaking with a singlet Higgs, without making any assumption about its possible doublet structure. Special attention is given to the di erent possible descriptions of massive spin-1 elds and the di erences arising from naive implementations of these formalisms, showing their full equivalence once a proper short-distance behaviour is required.

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    Integrating out resonances in strongly-coupled electroweak scenarios2017-03-22

    Accepting that there is a mass gap above the electroweak scale, the Electroweak E ective Theory (EWET) is an appropriate tool to describe this situation. Since the EWET couplings contain information on the unknown high-energy dynamics, we consider a generic strongly-coupled scenario of electroweak symmetry breaking, where the known particle fields are coupled to heavier states. Then, and by integrating out these heavy fields, we study the tracks of the lightest resonances into the couplings. The determination of the low-energy couplings (LECs) in terms of resonance parameters can be made more precise by considering a proper short-distance behaviour on the Lagrangian with heavy states, since the number of resonance couplings is then reduced. Notice that we adopt a generic non-linear realization of the electroweak symmetry breaking with a singlet Higgs.

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    The Standard model prediction for K_e2-K_mu2 and pi_e2-pi_mu22010-02-25

    We have calculated the ratios R(P) e/m ≡ G(P → en¯e[g ])/G(P →mn¯m [g ]) (P = p ,K) in Chiral Perturbation Theory up to O(e2p4), finding R(p) e/m = (1.2352±0.0001)×10−4 and R(K) e/m = (2.477± 0.001)×10−5. This observable is helicity suppressed in the Standard Model, so that it is a sensitive probe of all Standard Model extensions that induce pseudoscalar currents and nonuniversal corrections to the lepton couplings. Ongoing experimental searches plan to reach uncertainties that are comparable to these results. At the moment R(K) e/m is in agreement with the final result by the KLOE Collaboration at DAFNE and it is at 1.4s of the preliminary result by the NA62 Experiment at CERN. New measurements of R(p) e/m are under way by the PEN Collaboration at PSI and by the PIENU Collaboration at TRIUMF.

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    One-loop calculation of the oblique S and T parameters within strongly-coupled scenarios with a light Higgs-like boson2013-08-22

    We present a one-loop calculation of the oblique S and T parameters within strongly-coupled models of electroweak symmetry breaking with a light Higgs-like boson. We use a general effective Lagrangian, implementing the chiral symmetry breaking SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R →SU(2)L+R with Goldstones, gauge bosons, the Higgs-like scalar and one multiplet of vector and axial-vector massive resonance states. The estimation is based on the short-distance constraints and a dispersive approach. The experimentally allowed range forces the vector and axial-vector states to be heavy, with masses above the TeV scale, and suggests that the Higgs-like scalar should have a WW coupling close to the Standard Model one.

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    Viability of light-Higgs strongly-coupled scenarios2014-03-18

    Contrary to what is sometimes stated, the current electroweak precision data easily allow for massive composite resonance states at the natural EW scale, i.e., well over the TeV. The oblique parameters S and T are analyzed by means of an effective Lagrangian that implements the SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R→SU(2)L+R pattern of electroweak symmetry breaking. They are computed at the one-loop level and incorporating the newly discovered Higgs-like boson and possible spin–1 composite resonances. Imposing a proper ultraviolet behaviour is crucial and allows us to de- termine S and T at next-to-leading order in terms of a few resonance parameters. Electroweak precision data force the vector and axial-vector states to have masses above the TeV scale and suggest that the W+W− and ZZ couplings to the Higgs-like scalar should be close to the Stan- dard Model value. Our findings are generic: they only rely on symmetry principles and soft requirements on the short-distance properties of the underlying strongly-coupled theory, which are widely satisfied in more specific scenarios.

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    One-loop calculation of the oblique S parameter in higgsless electroweak models2013-07-24

    We present a one-loop calculation of the oblique S parameter within Higgsless models of electroweak symmetry breaking. We have used a general effective Lagrangian with at most two derivatives, implementing the chiral symmetry breaking SU(2)L ⊗ SU(2)R → SU(2)L+R with Goldstones, gauge bosons and one multiplet of vector and axial-vector resonances. The estimation is based on the short-distance constraints and the dispersive approach proposed by Peskin and Takeuchi.