2. Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/13
Search Results
- Addressing psychosocial factors in cognitive impairment screening from a holistic perspective : the DeCo-Booklet methodology design and pilot study
2022-10-09 Cognitive impairment (CI), an intermediate phase between the decline in physiological cognition and dementia, is known to be mediated by a variety of risk and protective factors, with age being the most influential of these. The multifactorial nature of CI and the worldwide phenomenon of an aging population makes decoupling old age from disease through the concept of healthy aging (HA) a matter of major interest. Focusing on psychosocial variables and psychological constructs, here we designed and piloted a data collection booklet (DeCo-B) to assess CI and HA from a holistic perspective. The DeCo-B comprises six sections: sociodemographic factors, CI, meaning in life, psychosocial factors, health problems, and lifestyle. The estimated prevalence of CI and HA in our cohort were 24.4% and 6.6%, respectively. Spearman correlations mainly identified pairwise associations between the meaning in life domains and psychosocial variables. Moreover, age, marital status, purpose in life, resilience, chronic pain, cognitive reserve, and obstructive sleep apnea were significantly associated with an increased risk of CI. Our results showed that DeCo-B is a suitable tool for researching how modifiable risk and protective factors influence cognitive status. The complex interrelationships between variables should be further investigated and, for practical reasons, the questionnaire should be optimized in future work.
- Cobertura de la vacunación antigripal en los farmacéuticos comunitarios : razones aportadas y absentismo relacionado : predisposición a vacunar a la población
2021-04-19 Introducción: la vacuna antigripal está indicada entre el personal sanitario, aunque la cobertura antigripal en farmacéuticos comunitarios españoles actualmente se desconoce. Este trabajo pretende averiguar esta cobertura, las causas de los farmacéuticos para vacunarse o no de la gripe, el absentismo laboral que les ocasiona, si recomiendan la vacunación antigripal entre los grupos de riesgo y su disposición a administrarla en la farmacia. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal mediante un cuestionario online destinado a farmacéuticos comunitarios de toda España. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables estudiadas y de la asociación entre la vacunación y las variables cualitativas (test Chi-cuadrado y Fisher) y cuantitativas (ANOVA). Resultados: se obtuvo una tasa de respuesta del 9,4 % (n=1.436). Los farmacéuticos refirieron vacunarse en torno al 30 % en las tres temporadas estudiadas (2016- 2019), siendo del 31-35,8 % (IC95 %) en la temporada 2018-2019. Ser titular/cotitular de la farmacia, la experiencia profesional, la edad, vacunarse para evitar la gripe y/o por responsabilidad, y vacunarse en temporadas anteriores son factores asociados a vacunarse (p<0,05). Ser socio de SEFAC también lo es. El absentismo por gripe en la temporada 2018-2019 fue del 9,5 %. Los farmacéuticos que más dijeron vacunarse recomiendan más la vacuna que los que no, y tendrían mayor predisposición a administrarla (p<0,05). Conclusiones: la cobertura vacunal antigripal entre los farmacéuticos comunitarios es baja a pesar del absentismo que les causa. Facilitar la vacunación a los farmacéuticos podría incrementar su cobertura. Los farmacéuticos recomiendan la vacunación contra la gripe a los pacientes de riesgo y estarían dispuestos a vacunar en farmacias autorizadas. / Introduction: while the influenza vaccine is indicated for healthcare personnel, its coverage among Spanish community pharmacists is currently unknown. This study aims to quantify this coverage as well as evaluate the causes leading pharmacists to be inoculated or not, their flu-related absenteeism, whether they recommend the vaccine to risk groups, and their willingness to administer it in the pharmacy. Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire aimed at community pharmacists throughout Spain. A descriptive analysis of the variables studied and of the association between vaccination and qualitative (Chi-square and Fisher test) and quantitative (ANOVA) variables was performed. Results: a response rate of 9.4% (n=1,436). Pharmacists reported vaccinating around 30 % in the three seasons under study (2016-2019), being 31-35.8% (IC95%) in the 2018-2019 season. Being a pharmacy owner/co-owner, professional experience, age, being vaccinated to avoid influenza and/or for responsibility, and being vaccinated in previous seasons are factors associated with being vaccinated (p<0.05). Being a member of SEFAC is also a factor. Flu-related absenteeism in the 2018-2019 season was 9.5%. Pharmacists who reported being vaccinated themselves were more likely to recommended the vaccine and more likely to administer it (p<0.05). Conclusions: flu vaccination coverage among community pharmacists is low despite the absenteeism this causes. Making vaccination easier for pharmacists could increase coverage. Pharmacists recommend flu vaccination for at-risk patients and would be willing to vaccinate in licensed pharmacies.
- Potenciar la lectura desde la farmacia comunitaria en personas mayores para protegerlos del deterioro cognitivo
2019-01-09 Introducción: El deterioro cognitivo (DC) es una enfermedad que aumenta con la edad. Es importante conocer los factores protectores y de riesgo de esta enfermedad. Metodología: Estudio observacional realizado a 729 personas mayores de 65 años en 13 farmacias comunitarias durante dos años. Se recogieron datos demográficos (sexo, edad, nivel de estudios) y de estilos de vida (afición a la lectura, realización de pasatiempos, horas de televisión) y para el cribaje de los pacientes se realizaron los test SPMSQ (Short-Portable Mental State Questionaire) de Pfeiffer y Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) versión NORMADERM. También se realizó una revisión bibliográfica del tema. Resultados: Se detectó un 17,6% de DC. Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa como protección frente al DC con la afición a la lectura y el nivel de estudios. No se encontró asociación con las horas de televisión (TV) ni con la realización de pasatiempos. La revisión bibliográfica aportó más factores protectores y de riesgo. Discusión: Con nuestros datos podemos afirmar que tanto la reserva cognitiva (años de estudio) como la estimulación cognitiva (horas de lectura) protegen del DC. Sobre los demás datos obtenidos no se han encontrado coincidencias, por lo que sería necesario aumentar el tamaño muestral para poder realizar una comparación más eficaz. Conclusiones: El nivel educativo bajo es un factor de riesgo de DC, mientras que estudios superiores serían un factor preventivo. La lectura es un factor protector de DC. / Introduction: Cognitive Dysfunction (CD) is a disease that increases with age. It is important to know the protective and risk factors for this disease. Methodology: Observational study carried out on 729 people over 65 years of age in community 13 pharmacies for two years. Demographic data were collected (sex, age, level of studies) and lifestyles (love of reading, hobbies such as crossword puzzles or sudokus etc, TV hours), and the SPMSQ (Short-Portable Mental State Questionaire) test of Pfeiffer and Mini- Mental State Examination (MMSE) were carried out to check the patient’s CD. A bibliographic review of the subject was also conducted. Results: 17.6% of CD was detected. A statistically significant association was found as a protection against CD with a love of reading and the level of studies. No association was found with TV hours or hobbies. The literature review provided more protective and risk factors. Discussion: With our data we can affirm that both cognitive reserve (years of study) and cognitive stimulation (hours of reading) protect from CD. No coincidences were found on the other data obtained, so it would be necessary to increase the sample size in order to make a more effective comparison. Conclusions: Low educational level is a risk factor for CD while higher education would be a preventive factor. Reading is a protective factor of CD.