2. Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU

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    La asignatura de Religión y el ideario en centros educativos concertados2023

    A pesar de que cuantitativamente la asignatura de religión es un elemento poco significativo en los currículos educativos, su relevancia de cara a la formación individuo y por extensión a la de una generación, es sumamente importante, aportando elementos axiológicos difícilmente adquiribles por otros medios. El ideario de centro sienta las bases de propuestas educativas concretas en el ámbito de la legislación vigente, pero contemplando particularidades, sensibilidades y realidades concretas que van más allá de los planteamientos formales de los currículos propuestos por la administración. Aunque los valores impregnan estos idearios, es en la asignatura de religión donde se explicitan de una manera más patente aquello que trasversalmente se propone para el resto de las áreas educativas. Si bien en los centros de titularidad pública también existe esta asignatura, es en los centros privados y concertados donde se muestra como una seña de identidad característica e irrenunciable en un modelo educativo que aporta como elemento fundamental la transcendencia de individuo. La decisión de los padres de elegir un centro, asumir su ideario y dar por sentada la presencia de la asignatura de religión no siempre es una decisión coherente y en muchas ocasiones viene condiciona por otros elementos de juicio ajenos a los valores y más relacionado con la materialidad del centro educativo. Ante tal situación urge la necesidad de nuevos planteamientos que sitúen claramente la asignatura de religión en su lugar adecuado y le doten de la relevancia que merece para poder constituirse como un elemento clave en la formación integral de los alumnos.

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    Inclusion of game-based stimulus during flywheel resistance training positively influences physical performance in handball players2024-07-09

    Handball is a body-contact Olympic ball sport that is characterized by fast-paced defensive and offensive actions. Players must coordinate explosive movements (e.g. changing of direction) and handball-specific skills (e.g. passing). Maximizing performance requires a systematic approach to training that includes physical, psychological, technical, and tactical preparation. Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the effects of movement-based (MOV; unspecific sport stimulus) or game-based (GAM; sport-specific stimulus) flywheel resistance training intervention in highly trained youth handball players. Method:Twenty-five highly trained youth male handball players completed two sessions per week of flywheel resistance training (MOV, n = 12; GAM, n = 13) over the 7-week intervention period. Change-of-direction tests (180º change-of-direction speed test of both legs and test) and handball-throwing test were conducted before and after the intervention. Results: Both groups significantly improved V-cut, and 180º Change-of-direction speed test performance (p < .05; d = 0.79–2.05). Notwithstanding, the GAM group demonstrated greater improvements in V-cut and COD180ASY compared with the MOV group (p < .05) with small effect. Handball throwing speed performance remained unchanged independently of training condition (p > .05). Conclusions: These findings provide further support for the training principle of “specificity” and highlight the importance of including a game-based training stimulus during resistance training. This is a key consideration for coaches wanting to enhance physical performance in youth handball players.

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    The role of exercise training on cardiovascular risk factors and heart disease in patients with chronic kidney disease G3-G5 and G5D: a clinical consensus statement of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) of the ESC and the European Association of Rehabilitation in Chronic Kidney Disease (EURORECKD)2024-04-09

    Cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality is high in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Most patients reveal a high prevalence of CV risk factors such as diabetes or arterial hypertension and many have manifest cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure with an increased risk of clinical events including sudden cardiac death. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension contribute to the development of CKD and the prevalence of CKD is in the range of 20–65% in diabetic and 30–50% in hypertensive patients. Therefore, prevention and optimal treatment of CV risk factors and comorbidities are key strategies to reduce CV risk and improve survival in CKD. Beyond common CV risk factors, patients with CKD are often physically inactive and have low physical function leading to subsequent frailty with muscle fatigue and weakness, sarcopenia and increased risk of falling. Consequently, the economic health burden of CKD is high, requiring feasible strategies to counteract this vicious cycle. Regular physical activity and exercise training (ET) have been shown to be effective in improving risk factors, reducing CVD and reducing frailty and falls. Nonetheless, combining ET and a healthy lifestyle with pharmacological treatment is not frequently applied in clinical practice. For that reason, this Clinical Consensus Statement reviews the current literature and provides evidence-based data regarding the role of ET in reducing CV and overall burden in patients with CKD. The aim is to increase awareness among cardiologists, nephrologists, and healthcare professionals of the potential of exercise therapy in order to encourage implementation of ET in clinical practice, eventually reducing CV risk and disease, as well as reducing frailty in patients with CKD G3–G5D.

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    Literatura, cine y educación: los antivalores masculinos en "Tiana y el sapo"2023

    Dado el creciente interés por la repercusión de los modelos narrativos, fílmicos o literarios, en el desarrollo de las personas, en especial en lo relativo a su papel en la construcción de los roles de género durante la infancia, nuestra aportación se centra en el estudio de los modelos que propone la película de animación "Tiana y el sapo". El análisis del argumento y de los textos de las canciones nos devuelve dos figuras principales que cumplen un papel en la conformación y confirmación de la personalidad de Tiana, el padre y el príncipe Naveen, si bien otros ejemplos ayudan a reforzar las conclusiones a las que llegamos. Estas son que la figura ejemplar del padre solo haya eco en la protagonista, que ha de luchar intelectual y volitivamente con otros contraejemplos masculinos, especialmente, con el del príncipe convertido en sapo.

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    Scavenging behavior of the Short-eared Dog (Atelocynus microtis) in Ecuadorian lowland rainforest2023

    The short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis) is one of the least known canids of the world. Essential aspects of its ecology, activity patterns and feeding habits remain unknown. To study the composition, behavior and interactions of the western Amazonian scavenger community, a baited camera-trapping survey was performed from August to September 2018 in the surroundings of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station (Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador). A total of 12 camera stations were set up, employing cow heads acquired from local meat processors as bait. Short-eared dogs were captured by camera-traps, and two individuals showed interest in the carrion, providing the first evidence that short-eared dogs include scavenging as part of their foraging behavior. Detection of short-eared dogs in the area was surprisingly frequent, despite the short survey period, indicating that use of baited camera-traps can be an effective tool for the study of the short-eared dog, an elusive and poorly documented species.