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    A 3D-printed passive exoskeleton for upper limb assistance in children with motor disorders: proof of concept through an electromyography-based assessment2023-03-29

    The rehabilitation of children with motor disorders is mainly focused on physical interventions. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of upper function using robotic exoskeletons. However, there is still a gap between research and clinical practice, owing to the cost and complexity of these devices. This study presents a proof of concept of a 3D-printed exoskeleton for the upper limb, following a design that replicates the main characteristics of other effective exoskeletons described in the literature. 3D printing enables rapid prototyping, low cost, and easy adjustment to the patient anthropometry. The 3D-printed exoskeleton, called POWERUP, assists the user's movement by reducing the effect of gravity, thereby allowing them to perform upper limb exercises. To validate the design, this study performed an electromyographybased assessment of the assistive performance of POWERUP, focusing on the muscular response of both the biceps and triceps during elbow flexion extension movements in 11 healthy children. The Muscle Activity Distribution (MAD) is the proposed metric for the assessment. The results show that (1) the exoskeleton correctly assists elbow flexion, and (2) the proposed metric easily identifies the exoskeleton configuration: statistically significant differences (p-value D 2.26 10􀀀7 < 0.001) and a large effect size (Cohen's d D 3.78 > 0.8) in the mean MAD value were identified for both the biceps and triceps when comparing the transparent mode (no assistance provided) with the assistive mode (anti-gravity effect). Therefore, this metric was proposed as a method for assessing the assistive performance of exoskeletons. Further research is required to determine its usefulness for both the evaluation of selective motor control (SMC) and the impact of robot-assisted therapies.

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    Assessment of Hamstring: Quadriceps Coactivation without the Use of Maximum Voluntary Isometric Contraction2020-02-29

    This study aimed to study the coactivation patterns of the hamstring and quadriceps muscle groups during submaximal strength exercises commonly used in injury prevention in soccer without the use of maximum voluntary isometric contraction testing. This was used to compare: (i) the inter-limb differences in muscle activation; (ii) the intra-muscular group activation pattern and (iii) the activation pattern during different phases of the exercise. Muscle activation was recorded by surface electromyography in 19 elite, male, youth soccer players. Participants performed the following: Bulgarian squat, lunge and squat. Electrical activity was recorded for the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and semitendinosus. No significant inter-limb differences were found (F1, 13 = 619; p = 0.82; 2 = 0.045). Significant di erences were found in the muscle activation between individual muscles within the quadriceps and hamstrings muscle group for each of the exercises: Bulgarian squat (F1,18 = 331: p < 0.001; n2 = 0.80), lunge (F4,72 = 114.5; p < 0.001; n2 = 0.86) and squat (F1,16 = 247.31; p < 0.001; n2 = 0.93). Differences were found between the different phases of each of the exercises (F2,26 = 52.27; p = 0.02; n2 = 0.80). The existence of an activation pattern of each of the muscles in the three proposed exercises could be used for muscle assessment and as a tool for reconditioning post-injury.