1. Investigación
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Search Results
- CRIDECO anticholinergic load scale : an updated anticholinergic burden scale : comparison with the ACB scale in Spanish individuals with subjective memory complaints
2022-02-03 The increase in life expectancy has also been accompanied by an increase in the use of medication to treat chronic diseases. Polypharmacy is associated with medication-related problems such as the increase in the anticholinergic burden. Older people are more susceptible to anticholinergic effects on the central nervous system and this, in turn, may be related to cognitive impairment. In this paper, we develop an updated anticholinergic burden scale, the CRIDECO Anticholinergic Load Scale (CALS) via a systematic review of the literature and compare it with the currently most used Anticholinergic Burden Scale (ACB). Our new scale includes 217 different drugs with anticholinergic properties, 129 more than the ACB. Given the effect that anticholinergic medications have on cognitive performance, we then used both scales to investigate the relationship between anticholinergic burden and cognitive impairment in adult Spanish subjects with subjective memory complaint. In our population, we observed an association between cognitive impairment and the anticholinergic burden when measured by the new CALS, but not when the ACB was applied. The use of a more comprehensive and upgraded scale will allow better discrimination of the risk associated with the use of anticholinergic medications on cognitive impairment. CALS can help raise awareness among clinicians of the problems associated with the use of medications, or combinations of them, with large anticholinergic effect, and promote a better personalized pharmacological approach for each patient.
- Addressing psychosocial factors in cognitive impairment screening from a holistic perspective : the DeCo-Booklet methodology design and pilot study
2022-10-09 Cognitive impairment (CI), an intermediate phase between the decline in physiological cognition and dementia, is known to be mediated by a variety of risk and protective factors, with age being the most influential of these. The multifactorial nature of CI and the worldwide phenomenon of an aging population makes decoupling old age from disease through the concept of healthy aging (HA) a matter of major interest. Focusing on psychosocial variables and psychological constructs, here we designed and piloted a data collection booklet (DeCo-B) to assess CI and HA from a holistic perspective. The DeCo-B comprises six sections: sociodemographic factors, CI, meaning in life, psychosocial factors, health problems, and lifestyle. The estimated prevalence of CI and HA in our cohort were 24.4% and 6.6%, respectively. Spearman correlations mainly identified pairwise associations between the meaning in life domains and psychosocial variables. Moreover, age, marital status, purpose in life, resilience, chronic pain, cognitive reserve, and obstructive sleep apnea were significantly associated with an increased risk of CI. Our results showed that DeCo-B is a suitable tool for researching how modifiable risk and protective factors influence cognitive status. The complex interrelationships between variables should be further investigated and, for practical reasons, the questionnaire should be optimized in future work.
- Se puede mejorar el uso de las benzodiacepinas desde la farmacia
2012-06-15 Introducción: Las benzodiacepinas (BZD) son medicamentos generalmente indicados para el insomnio y la ansiedad, que se utilizan mucho más tiempo del aconsejado por la Agencia Española del Medicamento y pueden producir, entre otras reacciones adversas, deterioro cognitivo, pérdida de memoria, sedación y, en uso continuado, tolerancia y dependencia. Objetivo: Mejorar desde la farmacia el uso de las BZD en mayores de 65 años y, con ello, el estado de salud del paciente. Material y métodos: Estudio controlado a simple ciego, realizado en 12 farmacias desde febrero de 2006 hasta febrero de 2008. Los pacientes forman parte del grupo control o de intervención según el orden de una lista aleatoria. Se utilizan hojas de registro del uso de BZD, fi chas de registro farmacoterapéutico y los cuestionarios de Siu-Reuben, Pfeiffer y de Reacciones Adversas. Se considera un resultado satisfactorio si al fi nal del estudio el paciente disminuye la dosis de BZD, pasa a uso esporádico, la elimina o cambia por lorazepam. Resultados: Se incluyen 164 pacientes en el grupo control y 173 en el de intervención. El 85% de los pacientes utiliza las BZD más tiempo del aconsejado. La intervención farmacéutico-médico-paciente consigue un mejor resultado (84%) que la del farmacéuticopaciente (41%). Obtienen resultados satisfactorios el 29% de los pacientes del grupo de intervención, frente al 10,8% del grupo control, y ello supone una mejora del test de Pfeiffer y de Reacciones Adversas. Conclusiones: Las BZD son fármacos mal utilizados. La intervención del farmacéutico mejora su uso y conlleva una mejora en el estado de salud del paciente. Se debe mejorar la relación farmacéutico-médico.
- Pharmacist-Physician interprofessional collaboration to promote early detection of cognitive impairment : increasing diagnosis rate
2021-04-01 The increased pressure on primary care makes it important for other health care providers, such as community pharmacists, to collaborate with general practitioners in activities related to chronic disease care. Therefore, the objective of the present project was to develop a protocol of action that allows close pharmacist-physician collaboration to carry out a coordinated action for very early detection of cognitive impairment (CI). Methods: A comparative study to promote early detection of CI was conducted in 19 community pharmacies divided into two groups: one group with interprofessional collaboration (IPC) and one group without interprofessional collaboration (NonIPC). IPC was defined as an interactive procedure involving all pharmacists, general practitioners and neurologists. A total of 281 subjects with subjective memory complaints were recruited. Three tests were used in the community pharmacies to detect possible CI: Memory Impairment Screening, Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire, and Semantic Verbal Fluency. Individuals with at least one positive cognitive test compatible with CI, were referred to primary care, and when appropriate, to the neurology service. Finally, we evaluated the differences in clinical and diagnostic follow-up in both groups after six months. Results: The NonIPC study group included 38 subjects compatible with CI referred to primary care (27.54%). Ten were further referred to a neurology department (7.25%) and four of them (2.90%) obtained a confirmed clinical diagnosis of CI. In contrast, in the IPC group, 46 subjects (32.17%) showed results compatible with CI and were referred to primary care. Of these, 21 (14.68%) were subsequently referred to a neurology service, while the remaining 25 were followed up by primary care. Nineteen individuals out of those referred to a neurology service obtained a confirmed clinical diagnosis of CI (13.29%). The percentage of subjects in the NonIPC group referred to neurology and the percentage of subjects diagnosed with CI, was significantly lower in comparison to the IPC group (p-value 0.0233; p-value 0.0007, respectively). Conclusions: The creation of IPC teams involving community pharmacists, general practitioners, and neurologists allow for increased detection of patients with CI or undiagnosed dementia and facilitates their clinical follow-up. This opens the possibility of diagnosis in patients in the very early stages of dementia, which can have positive implications to improve the prognosis and delay the evolution of the disease.
- Potenciar la lectura desde la farmacia comunitaria en personas mayores para protegerlos del deterioro cognitivo
2019-01-09 Introducción: El deterioro cognitivo (DC) es una enfermedad que aumenta con la edad. Es importante conocer los factores protectores y de riesgo de esta enfermedad. Metodología: Estudio observacional realizado a 729 personas mayores de 65 años en 13 farmacias comunitarias durante dos años. Se recogieron datos demográficos (sexo, edad, nivel de estudios) y de estilos de vida (afición a la lectura, realización de pasatiempos, horas de televisión) y para el cribaje de los pacientes se realizaron los test SPMSQ (Short-Portable Mental State Questionaire) de Pfeiffer y Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) versión NORMADERM. También se realizó una revisión bibliográfica del tema. Resultados: Se detectó un 17,6% de DC. Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa como protección frente al DC con la afición a la lectura y el nivel de estudios. No se encontró asociación con las horas de televisión (TV) ni con la realización de pasatiempos. La revisión bibliográfica aportó más factores protectores y de riesgo. Discusión: Con nuestros datos podemos afirmar que tanto la reserva cognitiva (años de estudio) como la estimulación cognitiva (horas de lectura) protegen del DC. Sobre los demás datos obtenidos no se han encontrado coincidencias, por lo que sería necesario aumentar el tamaño muestral para poder realizar una comparación más eficaz. Conclusiones: El nivel educativo bajo es un factor de riesgo de DC, mientras que estudios superiores serían un factor preventivo. La lectura es un factor protector de DC. / Introduction: Cognitive Dysfunction (CD) is a disease that increases with age. It is important to know the protective and risk factors for this disease. Methodology: Observational study carried out on 729 people over 65 years of age in community 13 pharmacies for two years. Demographic data were collected (sex, age, level of studies) and lifestyles (love of reading, hobbies such as crossword puzzles or sudokus etc, TV hours), and the SPMSQ (Short-Portable Mental State Questionaire) test of Pfeiffer and Mini- Mental State Examination (MMSE) were carried out to check the patient’s CD. A bibliographic review of the subject was also conducted. Results: 17.6% of CD was detected. A statistically significant association was found as a protection against CD with a love of reading and the level of studies. No association was found with TV hours or hobbies. The literature review provided more protective and risk factors. Discussion: With our data we can affirm that both cognitive reserve (years of study) and cognitive stimulation (hours of reading) protect from CD. No coincidences were found on the other data obtained, so it would be necessary to increase the sample size in order to make a more effective comparison. Conclusions: Low educational level is a risk factor for CD while higher education would be a preventive factor. Reading is a protective factor of CD.
- Prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas en pacientes ancianos polimedicados : intervención y seguimiento del farmacéutico comunitario
2018-06-01 Introducción: Las prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas son causas de aparición de problemas relacionados con los medicamentos y de resultados negativos de la medicación, principalmente en ancianos. Los estudios en farmacia comunitaria son escasos. Objetivos: Mejorar la farmacoterapia de pacientes mayores de 65 años polimedicados mediante entrevista con el paciente. Realizar un perfil farmacoterapéutico, de hábitos en salud y adherencia. Medir la intervención del farmacéutico, derivación y satisfacción del paciente. Hacer una evaluación económica. Metodología: Se diseñó un estudio piloto descriptivo en pacientes de una farmacia comunitaria en Valencia. Se recogieron datos en una base Microsoft Acces®. Se midió la prevalencia de las prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas mediante los criterios STOPP-START (2014) utilizando el software informático Checkthemeds®. Resultados: Se realizó sobre 88 pacientes, 77 (87,5%) finalizaron. La prevalencia de prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas fue de un 33,0% (26,0% STOPP y 7,0% START), siendo la sección A de los criterios STOPP la mayoritaria (duplicidades terapéuticas y fármacos sin indicación basada en la evidencia). El estreñimiento fue la condición clínica más prevalente. También destacó la falta de adherencia (52,0%), así como un 77,0% de pacientes sin los requerimientos hídricos necesarios. Se intervino en un 36,0% de las prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas encontradas con un grado de aceptación del 14,0%. Se estimó que en un 9,0% de las ocasiones se evitó derivación con un ahorro medio de 6,57 €/paciente. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de los criterios STOPP fue similar a otros estudios. La de los criterios START menor. La entrevista permite descartar falsas prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas. La revisión sistemática y protocolizada mejora la farmacoterapia mediante la detección en intervención en las prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas. / Background: Potentially inappropriate prescriptions are related with Medication Related Problems and Negative Medication Results, especially in the elderly. Few studies in community pharmacy are available. Objectives: To improve pharmacotherapy in patients over 65 years receiving more than five medicines. We investigated pharmacotherapy, healthy style, treatment adherence by conducting an open interview with the community pharmacist. Pharmacists´ interventions, patients´ satisfaction and costs were reported. Patients and methods: A descriptive study in a community pharmacy in Valencia (Spain) was designed. Data were collected in a Microsoft Acces® database and prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescriptions STOPP/START criteria 2014 was evaluated with the Checkthemeds® software. Results: 88 patients were enroled and 77 patients completed the study (87.5%). Prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescriptions was 33.0% (27.0% STOPP, 7.0% START criteria). A section (duplicities and low evidence treatments) was the most representative. Constipation was very common between the patients. Non-compliant patients (52.0%) and low hydration (77.0%) were important too. 36.0% of potentially inappropriate prescriptions required pharmacist intervention with 14.0% of agreement. 9.0% of potentially inappropriate prescriptions avoided medical intervention with a save of 6,57 € per patient. Conclusions: The prevalence of STOPP criteria was similar to that other studies. That of minor START criteria. The interview allows to eliminate false, potentially inadequate prescriptions. The systematic and protocolized review improves pharmacotherapy by identifying and intervening in potentially inadequate prescriptions.
- Decision tree for early detection of cognitive impairment by community pharmacists
2018-10-01 Purpose: The early detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is essential in aging societies where dementia is becoming a common manifestation among the elderly. Thus our aim is to develop a decision tree to discriminate individuals at risk of MCI among non-institutionalized elderly users of community pharmacy. A more clinically and patient-oriented role of the community pharmacist in primary care makes the dispensation of medication an adequate situation for an effective, rapid, easy, and reproducible screening of MCI. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 728 non-institutionalized participants older than 65. A total of 167 variables were collected such as age, gender, educational attainment, daily sleep duration, reading frequency, subjective memory complaint, and medication. Two screening tests were used to detect possible MCI: Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Participants classified as positive were referred to clinical diagnosis. A decision tree and predictive models are presented as a result of applying techniques of machine learning for a more efficient enrollment. Results: One hundred and twenty-eight participants (17.4%) scored positive on MCI tests. A recursive partitioning algorithmwith themost significant variables determined that the most relevant for the decision tree are: female sex, sleeping more than 9 h daily, age higher than 79 years as risk factors, and reading frequency. Moreover, psychoanaleptics, nootropics, and antidepressants, and anti-inflammatory drugs achieve a high score of importance according to the predictive algorithms. Furthermore, results obtained from these algorithms agree with the current research on MCI. Conclusion: Lifestyle-related factors such as sleep duration and the lack of reading habits are associated with the presence of positive in MCI test. Moreover, we have depicted how machine learning provides a sound methodology to produce tools for early detection of MCI in community pharmacy. Impact of findings on practice: The community of pharmacists provided with adequate tools could develop a crucial task in the early detection of MCI to redirect them immediately to the specialists in neurology or psychiatry. Pharmacists are one of the most accessible and regularly visited health care professionals and they can play a vital role in early detection of MCI.
- Proyecto CRIDECO : cribado de deterioro cognitivo en farmacia comunitaria a partir de la queja subjetiva de memoria
2018-12-01 Objetivo: desarrollar un programa de cribado de deterioro cognitivo (DC) en mayores de 50 años. Con la finalidad de que el servicio profesional farmacéutico sea más costo-efectivo utilizaremos un árbol de decisión para la selección del paciente. Además, se pretende valorar la importancia de la dieta mediterránea y el consumo de antioxidantes en la prevención del deterioro cognitivo y estudiar marcadores genéticos de riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer. Método: para ello se diseña un estudio observacional transversal mediante entrevista personal estructurada en pacientes que muestren indicios de pérdida de memoria. El estudio de captación se realizará en farmacias desde septiembre 2018 hasta septiembre de 2019. Los pacientes con puntuación en los test con posible DC se remitirán a atención primaria, previa presentación del proyecto a coordinación médica. Se perseguirá el resultado del diagnóstico obtenido en atención primaria y/o especializada. Se utilizarán como test de cribado el Memory Impairment Screening (MIS), Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ) de Pfeiffer, el Fluidez Verbal Semántica (FVS) y siempre que sea posible el Test del Informador (TIN). Se define deterioro cognitivo por MIS ≤4; SPMSQ ≥ 3 (para analfabetos ≥ 4); FVS ≤10 palabras y el valor del TIN >57. A su vez se recogen una muestra de saliva del paciente, para estudio genético, y datos de nutrición para valorar la importancia de la dieta mediterránea y de los alimentos antioxidantes en la prevención del DC. / The aim of this study is to develop a screening program for cognitive impairment (CI) in people older than 50 year old. In order to make the pharmaceutical professional service more cost-effective, we will use a decision tree for patient’s selection. In addition, to assess the importance of the Mediterranean diet and the consumption of antioxidants in the prevention of cognitive deterioration and study genetic markers of risk of Alzheimer’s disease. A cross-sectional observational study is designed by a structured personal interview in patients showing signs of cognitive impairment. The recruitment study will be conducted in pharmacies from September 2018 to September 2019. Patients with a score on the tests with possible CI will be referred to primary care previous presentation of the project to the medical coordination. The result of the diagnosis obtained in primary and / or specialized care will be pursued. The Memory Impairment Test (MIS), the Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ) of Pfeiffer, the Semantic Verbal Fluency (FVS) and, whenever possible, the Informer Test (TIN) will be used as screening tests. Cognitive impairment is defined by MIS ≤4; SPMSQ ≥ 3 (for illiterates ≥ 4); FVS ≤10 words. The value of TIN> 57. In turn, a sample of the patient’s saliva, for genetic study, and nutrition data are collected through a survey to assess the importance of the Mediterranean diet and antioxidant foods in CI prevention.