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Search Results
- Nutritional ecology of European rabbit ("Oryctolagus cuniculus"): factors affecting chemical composition of gastric content
2023-11 Nutritional ecology seeks to unravel the extensive web of nutritional links that directs animals in their interactions with their ecological and social environments. European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations its endemic locations are declining and it is considered a keystone species of the Mediterranean ecosystem prompteing the interest in its conservation. The main aim of this study was to determine the nutritional composition of the diet of European rabbits through the relative and absolute chemical composition of the gastric content. To address this objective, gastric content was collected from 80 European rabbits in a Mediterranean area for the analysis of its chemical composition. To this end, gastric content was analyzed for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), ash, crude protein (CP), highly digestible nonnitrogenous nutrients (HDNN), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and lignin. The rabbits were divided into two groups: EMPTY and FULL, depending on the level of stomach filling, directly related to food intake. Our results revealed a positive correlation between the rabbits weight with DM in the gastric content, total gastric content with DM in the gastric content, and DM in gastric content with all chemical parameters analysed. The mean relative values obtained were 8.8%, 25.5%, 40.4% and 25.4%, for ash, CP, NDF and HDNN, respectively. Moreover, EMPTY rabbits had both a proportional (+19%, p = 0.002 and –40%; p = 0.004, on NDF and HDNN, respectively) and absolute (−38%, p = 0.014, –52%; p = 0.012, −52%; p = 0.011 and +83%; p = 0.008 for OM, ash, HDNN, and lignin, respectively) different proportion of nutrients in gastric contents than FULL animals. Since there is a connection between this availability and the fitness of this species, understanding the chemical composition of the rabbit's diet can be utilised to delve into its biology. Our study provides information that will help elucidate the factors affecting the chemical composition of the gastric content of European rabbits to assist land use planners and conservationists in identifying sites for conservation in Mediterranean ecosystems.
- The nutritional strategy of European rabbits is affected by age and sex: females eat more and have better nutrient optimisation
2023-09 The ecological interest in the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) has grown since it was declared an endangered species. Nutrition is fundamental in its dispersion and the key to its success. This is the main reason why knowledge of their nutritional preferences/requirements could play a fundamental role in rabbit biology and, therefore, in their conservation. The objectives of the work will be to elucidate how age and sex affect both nutritional preferences/requirements, and the nutrient optimisation of European rabbits. To address this gap, 70 wild European rabbits were studied. The rabbits were divided according to their age: adult (n = 43) and young (n = 27). Two groups were differentiated according to the adult rabbits' sex: females (n = 28) and males (n = 15). We analysed the relative (%) and absolute (g) chemical composition of the rabbits' gastric contents: dry matter (DM), ashes (ASH), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), and lignin, hemicelluloses and celluloses, highly digestible nonnitrogenous nutrients (HDNN: fat, starch, and soluble fibre), well from the blood was analysed with plasmatic urea nitrogen (PUN), nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) and glucose (GLU). As a nutrient optimisation measure, the following indices between blood metabolites and stomach content were calculated: PUN/CP total content, NEFA/DM total content and GLU/DM total content ratios. Our works showed that age and sex affected the nutritional strategy of rabbits. Regarding age: adults showed lower CP (−14%; p = 0.0217) and higher HDNN (+21%; p = 0.0399) relative content than young rabbits, and absolute amount of most nutrients: DM (+59%; p = 0.001), OM (+43%; p = 0.0049), ASH (+54%; p = 0.0085), Hemicelluloses (+73%; p = 0.0084), Cellulose (+27%; p = 0.0452), and HDNN (+63%; p = 0.0012). In addition, adults showed better nutrient optimisation. Sex did not affect the relative chemical composition of the gastric content, but it showed a clear higher gastric content by females (+85%; p < 0.0001) and higher intake of most of the absolute chemical components: DM (+64%; p < 0.001), CP (+56%; p = 0.0005), OM (+58%; p = 0.0001), ASH (+44%; p = 0.0123), HDNN (+39%; p = 0.001), NDF (+59%; p = 0.001), ADF (+64%; p = 0.0003), lignin (+82%; p = 0.0036) and cellulose (+58%; p = 0.0002). Finally, we observed that females had better nutrient optimisation than males. This works supports the idea that feeding ecology and nutrition are particularly relevant to reproductive success and fitness in wild animals.
- A trial comparing growing rabbits differing in 18 generations of selection for growth rate reveals a potential lack of effectiveness in the genetic selection progress
2023-11-23 A total of 338 weaned rabbits (from the R line, selected for post-weaning growth rate) were used to evaluate the response to 18 generations of selection for increased growth rate on rabbit performance. Animals were obtained from two vitrified populations of the R line: R19V, belonging to the 18th generation (n = 165), and R37V, belonging to the 36th generation (n = 173), were allocated in individual and collective pens (178 and 160, respectively). A fattening trial was conducted from weaning (28 d of age until 63 d of age). During the trial, the body weight (BW), daily feed intake (DFI), average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were weekly monitored. Additionally, mortality and morbidity were daily registered. On days 49 to 53, an apparent faecal digestibility trial was also performed (12 animals per generation). Our results indicate that the generation of selection for growth rate did not affect mortality and morbidity. There were no differences in the diet digestibility according to the generation of selection. Regarding performance traits, R37V animals showed higher global BW (+6.7%; p = 0.0011) than R19V animals. R37V animals showed the same BW at weaning; however, R37V animals showed higher BW values in the last three weeks compared with R19V animals. Animals from the R37V generation also showed a higher DFI from 56 to 63 d of age (+12%; p = 0.0152) than R19V animals. However, there were no differences in global ADG and FCR between generations. These results indicate that the selection for growth rate in growing rabbits has slowed down, suggesting a lack of effectiveness in the genetic progress.
- Effect of selection for growth rate on the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) immune system and its response after experimental "Staphylococcus aureus" infection
2023-09 The aim of the work was to evaluate if genetic selection for daily gain may affect the immune system. Two experiments were performed. The first one involved 80 rabbit females and their first two litters to explore the effect of selection on the ability of animals to maintain immune competence. Two generations from a line selected for average daily gain (ADG) were evaluated (VR19 generation 19th, n = 43; VR37 generation 37th, n = 37). In females, the effect of selection and its interaction with physiological state were not significant for any trait. In litters, the selection criterion increased the granulocyte to lymphocyte ratio. The second experiment involved 73 19-week-old females (VR19, n = 39; VR37, n = 34) to explore the effect of genetic selection on immune response after S. aureus infection. The VR37 rabbit females had lower counts for total lymphocytes, CD5+, CD4+, CD8+, CD25+, monocytes, the CD4+/CD8+ ratio and platelets than those of VR19 (-14, -21, -25, -15, -33, -18, -11 and -11%, respectively; P < 0.05). VR37 had less erythema (-8.4 percentage points; P < 0.05), fewer nodules (-6.5 percentage points; P < 0.05) and a smaller nodule size (-0.65 cm3 on 7 day post-inoculation; P < 0.05) compared to VR19. Our study suggests that genetic selection for average daily gain does not negatively affect the maintenance of a competent immune system or the ability to establish immune response. It seems that such selection may improve the response to S. aureus infections.