1. Investigación
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Search Results
- Topical ocular administration of progesterone decreases photoreceptor cell death in Retinal Degeneration Slow (rds) mice
2022-03-09 Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited eye disorder which triggers a cascade of retinal disorders leading to photoreceptor cell death and for which there is currently no effective treatment. The purpose of this research was to study whether ocular administration of a solution of progesterone (PG) in -cyclodextrins (CD) could delay photoreceptor cell death and counteract the gliosis process in an animal model of RP (rds mice). The possible effect of PG reaching the contralateral eye through the circulatory system was also evaluated. Finally, this research discusses and evaluates the diffusion of the drug from possible topical formulations for ocular administration of PG. A group of rds mice received one drop of a solution of PG in CD every 12 h for 10 days to the left eye, while the right eye was left untreated. Another group of rds mice (control) received the drug vehicle (PBS) on the left eye and, again, the right eye was left untreated. Once the treatment was finished on postnatal day 21, the animals were euthanized and histological immunofluorescence studies (TUNEL, GFAP, and DAPI staining) were carried out. Our results showed that the administration of a solution of PG in CD (CD-PG) as drops significantly decreased cell death and inflammation in the retina of the PG-treated eyes of rds mice. No effect was seen in the contralateral eye from PG that may have entered systemic circulation. In conclusion, CD-PG applied topically as drops to the eye decreases photoreceptor cell death in the early stages of RP, delaying vision loss and decreasing gliosis.
- Analysis of the residual monomer content in milled and 3D-printed removable CAD-CAM complete dentures : an in vitro study
2022-05-08 Objective: The study aimed to quantitatively evaluate the elution of methylmethacrylate from CAD-CAM manufactured removable complete dentures (RCDs) using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Methods: Thirty-two RCDs were manufactured following either the CNC-milling (Milled: n=8) or the 3D-printing (n=24) protocols. The 3D-printed dentures were further categorized into three groups based on their postproduction rinsing cycles [Extended wash cycle (EWC), Standard wash cycle (SWC), and SWC with an additional Dur´econ coating (SWC2)]. HPLC was used to evaluate the methylmethacrylate concentrations (MMCs) eluted from the dentures in each group for different time periods (1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 hours). Mean and standard deviations were calculated for the MMCs; data was verified for normal distribution, ANOVA and post hoc tests were applied for statistical analyses (⍺=0.05). Results: The HPLC revealed that all the denture groups recorded some amounts of MMCs, with significant differences [F (3, 31) = 23.646, p<0.0001]. The milled denture group had the highest MMCs at 24 hours when compared to the EWC (p<0.0001), SWC (p=0.001), and SWC2 (p<0.0001) denture groups. SWC had a higher MMC than EWC (p=0.032) and SWC2 (p=0.015). No differences were found in MMCs when comparing EWC and SWC2 (p=0.989). Conclusion: Methylmethacrylate concentrations were significantly lower in 3D-printed RCDs than in milled RCDs when using the resins employed in this study. Furthermore, the MMCs can be further decreased in 3D-printed RCDs when coated with an additional thin protective layer (Dur´econ) by following the manufacturerrecommended rinsing protocol or when an extended isopropanol wash cycle is adopted.
- 3D printing of temporary prostheses for controlled-release of drugs : design, physical characterization and preliminary studies
2021-11-29 In recent years, the use of 3D printing technologies in orthopedic surgery has markedly increased, as they offer the possibility of printing personalized prostheses. The work presented in this article is a preliminary study of a research project which aims to manufacture customized spacers containing antibiotics for use in joint replacement surgery. The objective of this work was to design and print different 3D constructs to evaluate the use of different materials, their properties after the process of 3D printing, such as resistance, and the release kinetics of drugs from the constructs. Different designs and different materials were analyzed to obtain a 3D construct with suitable properties. Our design takes advantage of the micropores created between the layers of the 3D printed filaments to release the contained drug. Using polylactic acid (PLA) we were able to print cylindrical structures with interconnected micropores and a hollow chamber capable of releasing methylene blue, which was selected as a model drug. The final PLA 3D construct was printed with a 10% infill. The physical and technological characteristics, morphological changes at body temperature and interaction with water were considered to be acceptable. The PLA 3D printed constructs were found to have sufficient strength to withstand a force of 500 kg. The results obtained allow to continue research in this project, with the aim of manufacturing prostheses containing a reservoir of antibiotics or other drugs in their interior for their subsequent controlled release.
- El arte como herramienta docente en medicina
2019-03-02 Introducción: El presente artículo forma parte de un proyecto que pretende formar a estudiantes en la observación de la enfermedad utilizando para ello obras de arte. Los objetivos son desarrollar el interés científico de los participantes, promover y desarrollar la afición por el arte en estudiantes con formación básicamente científica. La peste negra, aunque fue una de las mayores catástrofes del mundo pre-modernista, produjo un obligado avance en la medicina. En este contexto histórico, a través de la representación de san Roque se vislumbra el impacto social de la pandemia gracias a la herencia artística del gótico, del renacimiento y del barroco (siglos xiv a xvii). Material y métodos: Se han analizado algunas obras pictóricas sobre san Roque y, aprovechando la visión artística e histórica de su figura, se ha recopilado información de la labor y relación de san Roque con la peste bubónica. Resultados y discusión: A través de contenidos artísticos de la figura san Roque se observa una correlación bastante fidedigna entre la clínica representada en los cuadros de san Roque y los signos descritos en la medicina interna e infecciosa actual. Los signos y síntomas comunes de la peste aparecen fielmente representados en las obras analizadas dado que algunos de los pintores que dedicaron trabajos a su figura convivieron con la enfermedad e incluso la padecieron. / Introduction: This article forms part of a project intended to teach students about observation through artwork. The objectives were to promote and develop art appreciation in science students, as well to continue developing their scientific interest. Although bubonic plague was one of the greatest catastrophes in the pre-modern world, it was also partly responsible for major advances in medicine. In this historic context, and using the figure of Saint Roch, a Catholic saint and confessor especially invoked against the plague, the social impact of the pandemic is assessed using the artistic heritage of gothic, renaissance and baroque periods (fourteen to seventeenth centuries). Material and methods: Some paintings of Saint Roch have been analysed by looking at the historical and artistic viewpoints in order to gather information about his work and the relationship of the Saint with the bubonic plague. Results and discussion: Through the artistic representations of Saint Roch, and after a bibliographic review, a good correlation can be established between the clinical signs shown in the paintings and those described by in current internal medicine and knowledge of infections. There is ample evidence showing the fidelity of the representations regarding the common signs and symptoms of Black Death, particularly as some of the painters who painted the Saint lived at the time of the epidemics and even suffered the disease themselves.
- Micelles of progesterone for topical eye administration : interspecies and intertissues differences in ex vivo ocular permeability
2020-07-26 Progesterone (PG) may provide protection to the retina during retinitis pigmentosa, but its topical ocular supply is hampered by PG poor aqueous solubility and low ocular bioavailability. The development of e cient topical ocular forms must face up to two relevant challenges: Protective barriers of the eyes and lack of validated ex vivo tests to predict drug permeability. The aims of this study were: (i) To design micelles using Pluronic F68 and Soluplus copolymers to overcome PG solubility and permeability; and (ii) to compare drug di usion through the cornea and sclera of three animal species (rabbit, porcine, and bovine) to investigate interspecies di erences. Micelles of Pluronic F68 (3–4 nm) and Soluplus (52–59 nm) increased PG solubility by one and two orders of magnitude, respectively and exhibited nearly a 100% encapsulation e ciency. Soluplus systems showed in situ gelling capability in contrast to the low viscosity Pluronic F68 micelles. The formulations successfully passed the hen’s egg-chorioallantoic membrane test (HET-CAM) test. PG penetration through rabbit cornea and sclera was faster than through porcine or bovine cornea, although the di erences were also formulation-dependent. Porcine tissues showed intermediate permeability between rabbit and bovine. Soluplus micelles allowed greater PG accumulation in cornea and sclera whereas Pluronic F68 promoted a faster penetration of lower PG doses.
- Evaluación de los conocimientos y habilidades de los alumnos del grado de Farmacia : Prueba ECOE (Evaluación Clínica Objetiva Estructurada)
2020-03-06 La enseñanza universitaria evoluciona hacia la formación basada en problemas. La prueba ECOE (Evaluación Clínica Objetiva Estructurada) permite evaluar la capacidad del alumno en tres de los cuatro escalones de la pirámide de Miller; saber, saber cómo y demostrar cómo (conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes). Esta es la prueba de evaluación de las practicas tuteladas y en la Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU se ha impartido en los dos últimos cursos a un total de 79 alumnos con resultados satisfactorios. El alumno debe pasar por 5 estaciones donde en 5 minutos en cada una debe resolver el problema práctico que se le plantea. Un profesor entrenado hace de paciente y otro profesor evalúa las habilidades del alumno. Luego se pasó una encuesta de satisfacción anónima a los alumnos siendo el resultado de 4,12/6. Es necesario ir modificando los problemas planteados a los alumnos para que cada vez más se adapten a la realidad que se encontraran al obtener el grado como profesionales farmacéuticos. / Higher education evolves towards Problem Based Learning. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) assesses students’ competencies in three of the four levels of Miller’s pyramid; Knows, Knows How, and Shows How (knowledge, competence, and performance). In the last two years, a total of 79 students at Cardenal Herrera University CEU were assessed with this examination, with good results. Student are asked to go through 5 stations, in which they have 5 minutes to resolve a practical problem. A trained teacher acts as the patient, while another evaluates the student’s abilities. Next, an anonymous satisfaction survey is given to the students, with the result 4,12/6. The problems presented to the students must be changed constantly so that each time they increasingly adapt to the situations they will find in their real-life practice once the graduate as professional pharmacists.
- Ex-vivo trans-corneal and trans-scleral diffusion studies with ocular formulations of glutathione as an antioxidant treatment for ocular diseases
2020-09-10 Exposure to sunlight and contact with atmospheric oxygen makes the eye particularly susceptible to oxidative stress, which can potentially produce cellular damage. In physiological conditions, there are several antioxidant defense mechanisms within the eye. Glutathione (GSH) is the most important antioxidant in the eye; GSH deficit has been linked to several ocular pathologies. The aim of this study was to explore the potential for newly developed formulations allowing controlled delivery of antioxidants such as GSH and vitamin C (Vit C) directly to the eye. We have investigated the stability of antioxidants in aqueous solution and assessed ex-vivo the di usion of GSH through two ocular membranes, namely cornea and sclera, either in solution or included in a semisolid insert. We have also carried out the hen’s egg-chlorioallantoic membrane test (HET-CAM) to evaluate the ocular irritancy of the di erent antioxidant solutions. Our results showed that GSH is stable for up to 30 days at 4 C in darkness and it is not an irritant to the eye. The di usion studies revealed that the manufactured formulation, a semisolid insert containing GSH, could deliver this tripeptide directly to the eye in a sustained manner.
- Influence of chemical enhancers and iontophoresis on the in vitro transdermal permeation of Propranolol : evaluation by dermatopharmacokinetics
2018-12-07 The aims of this study were to assess, in vitro, the possibility of administering propranolol transdermally and to evaluate the usefulness of the dermatopharmacokinetic (DPK) method in assessing the transport of drugs through stratum corneum, using propranolol as a model compound. Four chemical enhancers (decenoic and oleic acid, laurocapram, and R-(+)-limonene) and iontophoresis at two current densities, 0.25 and 0.5 mA/cm2 were tested. R-(+)-limonene, and iontophoresis at 0.5 mA/cm2 were proven to be the most efficient in increasing propranolol transdermal flux, both doubled the original propranolol transdermal flux. Iontophoresis was demonstrated to be superior than the chemical enhancer because it allowed faster delivery of the drug. The DPK method was sufficiently sensitive to detect subtle vehicle-induced effects on the skin permeation of propranolol. The shorter duration of these experiments and their ability to provide mechanistic information about partition between vehicle and skin and diffusivity through skin place them as practical and potentially insightful approach to quantify and, ultimately, optimize topical bioavailability.
- Anti-angiogenic drug loaded liposomes : nanotherapy for early atherosclerotic lesions in mice
2018-01-01 Fumagillin-loaded liposomes were injected into ApoE-KO mice. The animals were divided into several groups to test the efficacy of this anti-angiogenic drug for early treatment of atherosclerotic lesions. Statistical analysis of the lesions revealed a decrease in the lesion size after 5 weeks of treatment.