1. Investigación
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/1
Search Results
- The effect of intradialytic exercise using virtual reality on the body composition of patients with chronic kidney disease
2024-06-20 Background: Individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often experience reduced muscle strength and diminished health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and engaging in regular exercise may improve them. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of intradialytic exercise using non-immersive virtual reality (VR) on body composition of patients with CKD on hemodialysis (HD). Methods: This was a substudy in a clinical trial of intradialytic exercise intervention using a non-immersive VR game in which the patient interacted by moving the lower limbs. Body composition was determined by BCM Fresenius multifrequency stereoscopic bioimpedance. Body mass index (BMI), fat tissue index (FTI), lean tissue index (LTI), extracellular/intracellular water (EIW), and phase angle (PA) were recorded in 52 patients, 24 in the control group (CG) and 28 in the exercise group (EG). Results: Statistically significant differences were observed between both groups. The LTI increased in the EG while it decreased in the CG. The FTI and the EIW decreased in the EG compared to the increase observed in the CG. Conclusions: Intradialytic exercise using non-immersive VR was associated with an increase in LTI and a decrease in FTI of CKD patients on HD.
- Needs, barriers and facilitators for a healthier lifestyle in haemodialysis patients: The GoodRENal project
2024-03 Background: Malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, cognitive dysfunction and poor psychological well-being are often reported in patients on haemodialysis (HD). Aims: We aimed to explore needs, barriers and facilitators—as perceived by patients, their carers, and healthcare professionals (HCPs) for increasing the adherence to the diet, to physical activity and cognition and psychological well-being. Methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study following the STROBE statement. This study is part of an ERASMUS+ project, GoodRENal—aiming to develop digital tools as an educational approach to patients on HD. For that, the GoodRENal comprises HD centers located in four Belgium, Greece, Spain and Sweden. Exploratory questionnaires were developed regarding the perceived needs, barriers and facilitators regarding the diet, physical activity, cognition and psychological well-being from the perspective of patients, their carers and HCPs. Results: In total, 38 patients, 34 carers and 38 HCPs were included. Nutrition: For patients and carers, the main needs to adhere to the diet included learning more about nutrients and minerals. For patients, the main barrier was not being able to eat what they like. Physical activity: As needs it was reported information about type of appropriate physical activity, while fatigue was listed as the main barrier. For Cognitive and emotional state, it was perceived as positive for patients and carers perception but not for HCPs. The HCPs identified as needs working as a team, having access to specialised HCP and being able to talk to patients in private. Conclusions: Patients and their carers listed as needs guidance regarding nutrition and physical activity but were positive with their cognitive and emotional state. The HCPs corroborated these needs and emphasised the importance of teamwork and expert support.
- Effects of exercise programs on physical function and activity levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a randomized controlled trial
2021-12 BACKGROUND: There are still many barriers when implementing exercise routines within daily dialysis care, even though benefits are well-known. Developing cost-effective strategies is necessary to overcome these barriers and include exercise as a complementary therapy in dialysis. AIM: To compare several exercise programs on hemodialysis patient’s functional capacity and health-related quality of life. DESIGN: This study was a 16-week follow-up, two-parallel group trial with balanced randomization. SETTING: Participants in this study belonged to a private hospitalized care center. POPULATION: Referred sample of 71 patients that suffered end-stage chronic kidney disease who underwent hemodialysis for at least 3 months and had a medical stable condition. METHODS: Thirty-six participants performed for 16 weeks an intradialytic exercise program lead by the nursing staff of the hemodialysis unit and 35 a home-based program supervised by physical therapists of the hospital. RESULTS: The main researcher and the data analyst were both blinded to participant allocation. There was a significant effect in time for both groups. Participants improved significantly in the Short Performance Physical Battery (SPPB), One-Leg Heel-Rise (OLHR) and 6 Minute-Walk Test (6MWT), and in the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) and Short Survey Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaires. CONCLUSIONS: Nurse-led and home-based exercise interventions produce beneficial effects involving physical function, activity levels and health-related quality of life in patients undergoing hemodialysis. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: The study emphasizes the importance of exercise rehabilitation routines in fragile populations such as dialysis patients, and the potential to overcome barriers for its daily implementation.
- An intradialytic non-immersive virtual reality exercise programme: a crossover randomized controlled trial
2022-07 Background: Chronic kidney disease is closely related to a high risk of death and disability, poor physical performance and frailty. The main objective of this research was to analyse how intradialytic administration of a non-immersive virtual reality (VR) exercise programme would affect physical function and adherence to exercise in these patients. Methods: A total of 56 individuals participated in two 12-week periods in a crossover randomized controlled trial. Each patient underwent a functional capacity evaluation before and after each study period. The functional tests administered included the 4-m gait speed test, Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), timed up-and-go (TUG) test, one-legged stance test (OLST) for balance, sit-to-stand 10 (STS-10) and sit-to-stand 60 (STS-60) tests and 6-min walking test (6MWT). Adherence to the exercise programme was also recorded. To assess the effect of VR exercise on the functional test outcomes over time, the patients were analysed using a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance with time and treatment as the within-participant factors. Results: By the end of the 12 weeks of exercise, compared with the control period, 33 participants showed significant change in physical function as measured through the 4-m gait speed test (0.14 m/s), SPPB (1.2 points), TUG (−1.7 s), OLST (7.1 s), STS-10 (−5.8 s), STS-60 (5 repetitions) and 6MWT (85.2 m), with adherence rates exceeding 70%. There were no changes in the biochemical data or in the medications in the period of the study. Conclusion: An intradialytic non-immersive VR exercise programme improves patient physical function.
- Documento de información y consenso para la detección y manejo de la enfermedad renal crónica
2022-05-27 La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) es un importante problema de salud pública a nivel mun-dial afectando a más del 10% de la población espa˜nola. Se asocia a elevada comorbilidad,mal pronóstico, así como a un gran consumo de recursos en el sistema sanitario. Desde lapublicación del último documento de consenso sobre ERC publicado hace siete a˜nos, hansido escasas las evidencias y los ensayos clínicos que hayan mostrado nuevas estrategiasen el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la ERC, con excepción de los nuevos ensayos en la enfer-medad renal diabética. Esta situación ha condicionado que no se hayan actualizado lasguías internacionales específicas de ERC. Esta rigidez y actitud conservadora de las guíasno debe impedir la publicación de actualizaciones en el conocimiento en algunos aspectos, que pueden ser clave en la detección y manejo del paciente con ERC. En este documento, elaborado en conjunto por diez sociedades científicas, se muestra una actualización sobre conceptos, aclaraciones, criterios diagnósticos, estrategias de remisión y nuevas opciones terapéuticas. Se han revisado las evidencias y los principales estudios publicados en estos aspectos de la ERC, considerándose más bien un documento de información sobre esta patología. El documento incluye una actualización sobre la detección de la ERC, factores de riesgo, cribado, definición de progresión renal, actualización en los criterios de remisión con nuevas sugerencias en la población anciana, monitorización y estrategias de prevención de la ERC, manejo de comorbilidades asociadas, especialmente en diabetes mellitus, funciones del médico de Atención Primaria en el manejo de la ERC y qué no hacer en Nefrología. El objetivo del documento es que sirva de ayuda en el manejo multidisciplinar del paciente con ERC basado en las recomendaciones y conocimientos actuales.
- Estudio de intervención para comprobar el efecto de la música clásica en directo durante hemodiálisis sobre la calidad de vida de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica
2022-09-27 Introducción y objetivo: La música ha estado estrechamente unida a la medicina desde la antigüedad, y ha aportado numerosos beneficios a la salud de los pacientes. El paciente con enfermedad renal crónica en tratamiento de hemodiálisis (HD), generalmente, presenta una calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) inferior a los valores de referencia de la población general. El objetivo del presente estudio es verificar si la intervención de música clásica en directo e in situ’ durante el tratamiento de HD tiene efectos sobre la CVRS de los pacientes. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de intervención, prospectivo y aleatorizado por grupos, en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en tratamiento con HD. Durante 4 semanas un grupo de pacientes recibía la intervención con música clásica en directo 30 o 40 min durante las sesiones de HD, mientras el grupo control realizaba el tratamiento habitual. Variables descriptivas: edad, sexo, meses en tratamiento, Kt/V, hemoglobina y albúmina. Variable resultado: CVRS, se midió con el cuestionario de salud Kidney Diseasse Quality of life (KDQOL-SF) antes y después de la intervención musical. Resultados: Participaron 90 pacientes distribuidos en 2 grupos, el grupo intervención y el grupo control. El análisis de los resultados muestra que el grupo con intervención mejoró su calidad de vida respecto a la medición inicial. La diferencia entre el momento pre- y post- del grupo intervención respecto al grupo control aumentó la puntuación media (pm) en todas las escalas de forma significativa, excepto en las escalas Situación laboral, Función sexual y Apoyo social. Los resultados más importantes se dieron en escala Síntomas/problemas con un aumento de 15,78 (p < 0,001) pm; en escala Efectos enfermedad renal con un aumento de 14,96 (p < 0,001) pm; en escala Carga enfermedad renal con un aumento de 16,36 (p < 0,001) pm; en escala Suen˜ o con un aumento de 14,78 (p < 0,001) pm; en escala Vitalidad con un aumento de 25,46 (p < 0,001) pm; en escala Bienestar emocional con un aumento de 29,57 (p < 0,001) pm; en escala Dolor con un aumento de 41,92 (p < 0,001) pm y en escala Salud General con un aumento de 23,39 (p < 0,001) pm. Conclusión: La intervención con música en directo durante el proceso de tratamiento de HD mejora la CVRS autopercibida en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica.
- Impact of an intradialysis virtual-reality-based exercise program on healthcare resources expenditure a micro-costing analysis
2022-06-27 Background: Engagement in exercise by haemodialysis (HD) patients has been shown to generate benefits both in terms of improved functional capacity and in the health-related quality of life. The use of non-immersive virtual reality (VR) games represents a new format for the implementation of intradialysis exercise. Some studies have shown that engaging in exercise for 6 months reduces the consumption of antihypertensive drugs and decreases the time spent admitted to hospital among individuals receiving HD treatments. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in the consumption of healthcare resources and micro-costing for patients on HD who completed a VR exercise program. Materials and methods: Design: This study is a secondary analysis of a clinical trial. The participants performed an intradialysis exercise program with non-immersive virtual reality for 3 months. The variables were recorded in two periods: 12 months before and 12 months after the start of the exercise program. Results: The micro-costing analysis showed a significant decrease in the mean cost, in euros, for the consumption of laboratory tests − 330 (95% CI:[− 533, − 126];p = 0.003), outpatient visits − 351 ([− 566, − 135];p = 0.003), and radiology tests − 111 ([− 209, − 10];p = 0.03) in the 12 months after the implementation of the exercise program relative to the 12 months prior to its start. Conclusion: The implementation of intradialysis exercise programs decreased the expenditure of some healthcare resources. Future studies could help clarify if longer interventions would have a stronger impact on these cost reductions.